Love Song : My Love Only For you

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Before the drama started, I asked the committee for giving me an extra times. I wanted to do special stage for audiences and school, I said to them. I lied of course. I didn't do it for school or audiences. I did it for someone special. Inn.

I glad they gave me 15 minutes to perform. It was more than enough for me to do what I should do. To do what I have been planned to do this time. I walked on the stage. I sat on the seat that they set up for me. I looked around and said halo to the audiences. I told them a bit of my story and the reason why I would sing right now. Lot of them gave me 'awwwww' in sweet tone. I could taste the jealousy in their voice. Jealous over someone whom the song I dedicated of. I looked at Inn's parent. They just gave me smiled and shook their head. Uncle set his phone. I thought he is gonna record me. I smiled to them. I looked around again tried to find where was Inn standing and I found him. He stood up beside Oh. My eyes locked to his figure. Before I started sing, I said 'I Love You' to him and started singing.

I didn't know what happened about my surroundings. I didn't care. My eyes still locked at his eyes. It was like we were in our own world. Only the two of us. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He is the only one that I could see in my eyes. The only one matter.

I ended my sing and smiled. I saw him talked with Oh and walked away with his face blushed. I didn't know what happened but I thought Oh teased him when I saw Oh has a smirk in his face.

I set off from the stage. I tried to find Inn at the back stage but I couldn't find him. I only saw Copper, Peach, Nam and some other friends. He wasn't there.

"Sun, that was beautiful perfomance. You are so romantic, you know" Nam said to me, "So, who is the lucky person you mentioned before?"

"Secret" I winked at her and she chuckled.

"Well, if that person reject you, feel free to come to me. I will always welcome a nice guy like you"

"So, that means you have crush on me, don't you?"

"Hmmmm...maybe I am, a little bit?" she laughed.

"Let me think....." I acted like I was thinking about what she said, "I will consider your offer" we laughed at our joke. And that was the bad move I made so far. I saw Inn who looked at us. His face became sad? Gloomy? I didn't know. When I looked at him, he turned away and run. I followed him. We have an hour before we performed. I needed to clear this missunderstanding. He missunderstood me and Nam.

I caught his hand but he let go of me and pushed me.


"Don't touch me and don't follow me!"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Who mad at you and why would I mad at you?" Yes, he definitely mad at me. I couldn't help but smiled at his action.

"Why you laugh? What is so funny?"

"You are cute!" I replied, "And please stop being cute or I couldn't hold myself to kiss you"


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you jealous of Nam. Me and Nam are nothing but only friend. Please don't mad at me na"

"Who said I'm jealous? And why you need to explain anything to me? We are not in kind of relatioship, you know" Okay, that was a cue for me. I needed to stop him talked. His mouth is very sharp than knife. I didn't want get hurt. So, I think I should shut up his mouth. How? Kiss him?

I pinned him on the wall. Again. This scene replayed again like that night when I kissed him.

"Wha... What are you doing?"

"Try to shut your sharp mouth. Maybe by kissing you?" When he heard the 'kiss' word, his eyes closed immediately. He turned his head to the left, tried to protect his lips from my kiss. I found it so cute. I chuckled then I let go of him. He still closed his eyes.

"So, do you like the song that I sang before?" He opened his eyes when he heard my question. He looked at me and said 'huh?' I asked him again the same question.

"I heard people like it"

"I don't care about what people think. I just want to know what do you think about that song"

"Hmmm.." he mumbled and shook his head as approval. Tsk. This boy is really hard to deal with. I needed to do extra to win his heart.

I leaned my body to his. I closer the gap between my face and his face. I smiled to him who blushed. He gulped.

"I know you like my song, Inn. And that song I sing only for you because that was my love song for you" he still looked at me. At my eyes.

"And don't worry about Nam because my love is only for you" I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest, "My heart is belong to you" I could felt my heart was beating fast when his hand touched my chest. We stayed in our position in few minutes. It was like the time was freezing. He let go of my hand when he awakened from his daydream. He pushed me and walk away, back to the back stage.

"Inn, don't get jealous again na. You're the only one I love. My heart is belong to you!" I said it loud. I didn't care people would heard me or not. He turned back and gave me death glare. I jerked when I saw that glare. But I couldn't stop to tease him again.

"And don't worry. Although I didn't kiss you, I will give you later as much as you want" I winked at him and grinned.



Back at the back stage. Everyone was ready to perform. And so do I. Oh gave me smirk on his face as he knew what I did to Inn. I didn't give him a damn. I wanted to focus on my role now.

The drama went well until Farm went home because his urgent business. P'Ken was worried. But thanks God, my best friend sacrificed himself to replace Farm and became Doc the dwarf. He no need to do anything or do dialogue. He only need to come on the stage, stay there for a while then back to back stage. Despite like that, he seemed nervouse. I heard he calmed down himself. Good.

Everyone was stopping from what they was doing. Everyone was shocked because the accident that happened. The background of the stage broke and nearly hit Copper. Fortunately, Oh saved him. No one know if it was Oh except us, the drama actors. And we couldn't believe in what we have seen. Oh and Copper kissed as their lips met by accident. Not that kind of kiss that I wanted to happen. I pittied him.

When he realized about what happened, he stood up and run. He passed me and others people in the back stage and disappear.

Poor Oh.

But thanks for that, I have subject to use to tease him for whole weeks. Haha.


Inn POV done
Next chapter, back to Oh POV again
I wonder, how will Oh face Copper and the rest of his friends at school?
My poor Oh, su su na!

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