Start Over

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Sun and I sat in library. We spent our time here. I didn't have class and so does him. Our teacher had meeting. So, no class until school end. Lucky day. Yeay!

"So, what happened with you and Inn yesterday at mall?" I asked him

"You and Inn back together? I mean, not having fight like Tom an Jerry just like before?" Nam showed up from nowhere. She joined us sat on the floor. Nam and Sun back at their usual. Back to their old friendship. I glad with that.

"You two, mind your business. My love life is not for sharing!"

"Sharing is caring you know. And because you care about us, you should share it. So, tell us!" I reasoned.

"You! Why I be friends with you?"

"Because I am cool and nice" Nam said.

"And because I am cute!"

He rolled his eyes and walked away. He didn't tell us. We ran after him. Pleaded him to tell us because we were dying to know. But this cute best friend of mine is tough, it was hard to break his stubborness. We tried our best to open his mouth, but everything was useless. So, we gave up. We would find another way to know what happened with them. Next target, Inn.

Nam and I went to find Inn. He was with Copper. We walked toward them. Copper saw us, I mean me. He smiled happily like a boy who found his favorite toy. I kept showing my poker face. I didn't want to show how happy I was seeing him.

Without any talks and without warning, we grabbed Inn's hand and dragged him away with force. Copper look confuse. He wanted to help Inn, but I glared at him to make him stop. That was working. He stayed still. Just watching us dragging his best friend away.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Inn protested. We forced him to empty space in school, so we could talk privately.

"Anything you want to tell us about you and Sun?" I asked him.

"We asked Sun but he didn't tell me. So, we tried another way which is asking you?" Nam added.

"This is you call asking?"

I looked at Nam who looked at me. We nooded. Nam took her phone and ready to dial Sun's number. Someone grabbed it and hands it to Inn.

"Don't interfere people's business" Copper said and pulled me close to him, "And you, we have another business to do!" he said to me. He dragged me away. I saw Inn ran away after he gave Nam's phone back.

I looked at Copper. I looked at his face. Shit. This boy ruined my plan. He looked at me. He grinned.

"Why? Do you like my handsome face?" he asked me, "Don't worry. Lets go to private place and you can do whatever you wanna do to me!"

His pervet mind should be stopped. How could he think about pervert things in school? He need to teach about respect.

He dragged me to canteen and forced me to sit on empty seat. He told me to stay and not ran away. He went for minutes and back with plenty of foods in his hands. He put a plate with foods inside in front of me. He put a drink beside it.

"What are you doing? I thought you said we have something to do? What is it?"

"This is what I want to do with you. Having lunch date with you in here, in school canteen" he smiled again, "What? Don't say you are thinking about something else?"

"N... No... I didn't think about what you think!"

"And what did I think?" he winked.

"You....!" He chuckled and gave me naughty smirked.

"As much I want, I never want to do it here. As I said before, I nevet want to make a free show for people" he said, "But if you want, I can kiss you here. I will love to taste you lips, Oh!" he added with his low husky voice. Damn so sexy.

I choked. I coughed. Shit. This boy could kill me anytime he wants. Not only giving me a heart attack but also he could make me die bacause of choked.


We spent our times in our usual place. Sun, Nam, Peach and I. We look like couples in double dates. We talked and having jokes. Peach sat beside me and Nam sat beside Sun. We were having so much fun until big dark aura that felt like wanted to kill us gathered around us. Copper and Inn. They took sit between us. Separated me and Sun with the girls.

"What are you chatting about? You seem having fun!" Copper asked us.

"Nothing. We just planning to hang out together. Me, Sun, Peach and Nam!"

"Yup. Like a double date" Sun added.

"NOOO!!! You can't!" Copper and Inn said their brush-off in unity.

Their reaction was so cute and funny. They were jealous of us. Should we make them more jealous? I thought so.

The bell was ringing. I thanked for the bell, because of it we could escape from this two angry lions. We ran to our class and grabbed our bag and stuff. I made a promise to meet Sun and other at the gate.

"You... You can't go with her. You come back home with me!" Copper said to me and wanted to drag me with him.

"And you too. You are going with me!" Inn said to Sun.

This two jealous boys, why they want to ruin our friendship-hang out day? We had planned this for long time. I didn't want to cancel it.

Nam and Peach came approach us. They look hesitant to go with us when they saw Copper and Inn who were there trying to drag us away. Me and Sun gave them smile to make sure them to be not worry about this two boys who gave them death stare.

"Come on Peach, we should go!"

"You too Nam, lets go!"

They look scared. We grabbed their hands and dragged them away. Living two angry lions behind.



Get stuck again 😅

This is the last chapter for their future story
Next chapter will be about Sun POV
So, we will back to the past after beach incident

Hope you won't get bored about this story 😇

Thank you and bye bye


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