Chapter 6: The Party and the Past Collide

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Tom's POV

Did he just hint at marriage in the near future?

Nah, he's probably going to bring me around his family and let them chose if I'm worthy of the name. But, is he really that ready to be with me for good? The last thing I need is for him to fear me if I tell him about my family secret. Hell, I barely told him about my siblings and I having powers. If only I could be able to communicate to him somehow.

I got up to fix my hair or at least tame it a little.

I grabbed a pair of scissors, gel and a pony tail holder. I slicked up my hair in to a clean pony tail, making sure to take care of the sides as well as the back. What couldn't be put into a pony tail was cut off cleanly. The cut parts was then slicked down into place so that the finished hairstyle was professional enough for the party.

I did so much damage that I looked like my brother in his old days. It was funny to be a shorter version of my brother. Despite being the older one, he was the taller one. People would mistake him as the older one because he looked more adult than me. It wasn't until he stopped messing with them that, they found out I was the elder son in the family. Without realizing it, I sat down for a second and fell asleep for about an hour before getting up to get dressed.

I pulled out the formal uniform for this party. The silk navy blue shirt had a checker board circle with a fancy border around it. The Egyptian cotton gray vest was soft to the touch. I slipped on the charcoal black silk and satin slacks on with my soft black socks. Before I had a chance, I grabbed the checkerboard ascot and attached it around the collar of the shirt. My shined up black and white shoes slipped on with ease. I tied them up before looking at myself in the mirror.

Man, did I look magically delicious to the eye. 

I grabbed the checkerboard watch out of my bag before Tord came in. I think I heard a sly growl from him before he pushed me out of the room to get changed himself. I wanted to see what he was going to wear! Man is he secretive when it comes to some things. I mean, there's nothing I haven't seen....

I put on my formal jacket while seeing Paul and Pat. They had some interesting clothes on. It didn't bother me much but, I looked them both down.

Paul wore a brown jacket with a white shirt, an orange tie, purple vest, and gray slacks with shined up brown shoes. He was clean shaven while his hair was slicked down. Pat wore a gray overcoat with a purple tie, royal blue vest, and black slacks. He wore the same shoes I was wearing and his short hair was pulled into a small pony tail.

"Thomas." They both said sternly. I didn't know why but, Paul had a serious look on his face. As if he wanted to talk to me about something. Pat, on the other hand, walked away from us so that we would have some privacy.

"Hey Tom." I felt Paul's arm around me. He had a nice cologne on this evening over his usual smell. This party must be important for him to look this nice.

"Yes?" I replied. I was curious about why his was acting like this.

"Do you love my cousin?" I had the 'Oh Shit' look on my face after hearing that question. Did he catch on or something?

"I-I don't know what you mean Paul..." I was giving away too much for him to pick up.

"Because if you do, I want you to take the village name and settle down with him." Paul smiled. "He needs someone like you to keep him grounded. I'm tired of him dating and breaking up with that person because they're not good enough for him. But you, man, are good enough for him."

"Besides, it's boring fighting my cousin a lot. I want to keep you around for a while and if that means putting Tord in a headlock to do so, I'll happily do it." He was grinning a Cheshire smile.

I felt Paul punch my arm a little. The story was true, he's a kindhearted man who cares about his family.

"I do love your cousin Paul. I just have a bad feeling lately..." the look of concern made the poor man worry.

"What do you-"He was interrupted by Tord coming out of the room. He wore a red and black jacket with a black shirt, blood red tie, a velvet red vest and black slacks. He wore his glasses and the jacket had a purple hanky in the pocket. He decided to wear black riding boots instead of combat boots. I think he had black gloves on as well.

"Shall we get going? The meeting place is still far and it'll take a minute to get there." We all nodded, including our personal maids who came with us in short black dresses with black slippers on.

We all piled into a limo that was parked outside. I sat next to Tord, Maple sat next to Pat, and Annie sat next to Paul. I know Paul likes Annie and Annie might like him back. It wasn't hard to see him choke every time she came around him. I just wish he would drop balls and talk to her.

Anyways, we get to the meeting place. It was a private meeting between him and the few of our allies that could make it. I wonder why Ramona wasn't here. Her job as the Blue Rebel Leader could afford her some time off. I mean, I wanted to talk to her girl about being a partner to a leader. But, I guess that will have to wait sometime later on. Now, that was over....

"Let's party!" I yelled with my fists up in the air. Pat and Maple face palmed, Paul grinned the cheesiest grin I saw from him, and Annie was cheering.

"Be on your best behavior or else." Tord said sternly with a small growl. He wasn't going to have this party be the death of him because of some rowdiness from us. I decided to reply back in a teasing manner.

"Awwwww~! Loosen up! No one likes a stiffy."

"Unless it's to ride one!" I had to high five Annie for that one. She was on it!

"It's one to be a long one....and don't you dare you too..." Tord almost growled at us.

We got far from him before saying the joke.

"Does he mean a drink or dick?" She asked.

"I can go for both right now." We started to snicker which gained a bunch of groans from the peanut gallery behind us.

"Oh lighten up you guys. We should be the only tight asses around here." We both said.

We walked into a nice ballroom with a bar and food. I took Annie over to the food first before hitting the bar. We had the bartenders create the wackiest drinks we could think of before walking over to the crew. I saw Tord get up and drag me away from the group before asking me a question.

"Hey." He looked tired again.

"What's stressing you out, sir?" I asked.

"It's nothing." He looked away.

"Liar." I sipped a little off my drink. He wasn't going to get out of this one.

"Anyways, I want to know why you keep nuzzling my neck. I feel fangs every time and it's starting to concern me."

Did he just change the subject?!

"I'll tell you if you tell me-" I stopped when I heard a familiar voice.

"What was you about to say?" He wanted me to finish my sentence but, I put my finger to his lips.

"Shhhhh!" I heard closely before pinpointing the voice. I know who it was now.

"I trying to look for a man named Timothy or Thomas? One of them to is supposed to be at this party?" the voice asked around. 

"Tom, who is that person and why are they looking for you?" He was curious.

The man approached us and I tensed up. I knew who it was and why.


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