Chapter 30: Let's Make This Permanent

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Tom was at Tord's side while he was in a coma. 

Tom had waken up before Tord did. He had suffered injures that would kill a human but him? His body could resist that much damage. The doctors decided he needed a lot of bed rest before he was discharged. Instead, he wanted to go see Tord after he could move around. 

At first, he wasn't supposed to even allowed in his room. But, Paul had told the receptionist that Tom was allowed to stay with Tord because he was family. Tom didn't realize it but, Paul wanted Tom to be family. After all those years, he is a keeper. He makes Tord happy and under control for some reason. It was like they needed each other.

Tom sighed and put his head down on the bed. He felt like shit for not taking the hit. Tord wasn't like him, he couldn't take damage like that to the chest. Without realizing it, he nuzzled Tord's robotic hand.

"I'm sorry and I love you." He murmured before he felt something pressed against the top of his head.

"Damn Jehovah's Witness, I'm out cold and you think I'm dead. At least let me flat line first before making the call." Both of Tom's eyes widen. He almost caused a lot of  destruction trying to hug Tord.

"YOU FUCKING COMMIE! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! I almost lost you..."He was holding back the tears while he felt Tord's arms wrap around him. He felt Tord kiss him on the cheek while trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry, my love. I didn't want you to take the hit. I rather die than live in this world without you." He felt a kiss on his cheek when he said it.

"I can't live in this world without you either." He kissed the horned haired man.

"Ahem!" A sound came from the door.

In came the whole crew ranging from Paul to Sonya. They separated and looked away so that no one would think it was a loving gesture.

"Oh for the love of! Mark him already you UNGRATEFUL TWATWAFFLE!" Yelled Maple. 

Everyone looked at her surprised. She hated Tom but now? She wanted him to make this relationship permanent. She saw how in love they were if they were willing to die for each other.

"Later, Maple." Tord said sternly. "The last thing I need is the nurses questioning some things."

"Besides," Tord turned to Tom, "Isn't your birthday soon?" Tom didn't realize he would be turning thirty soon. Time does go by when you're dealing with bull crap.

"How about we throw a party for the old man here? He is turning thirty soon." Tord laughed at Tom's redden cheeks.

"Yeah, well, you're still older than me. Three more months until you're thirty-four." He sneered at the man in bed. Tord puffed up his chest and glared at Tom.

Nearly everyone busted out laughing at the fact that the two injured men nearly started a fight over their ages. Before long, the group left the two alone to talk. Tom nuzzled Tord's neck before asking him a question.

"How would you like to become immortal?" A smile crept on Tom's lips

"If it's with you, I would love to." Tord smirked at the thought. 

They both laughed.

Three months later






The sound came from the annoyed Norwegian and Brit. The first to wake up was Tord. He felt like shit and was still sore from last night. He scratched his head before grabbing his robe off the hook. He looked over at the curled up Brit before going to the bathroom.

After his shower, he looked at himself. He had the same scars but, he was looking at the big scar across his chest where he was slashed by an actual dragon in human form. He also looked at he completed claiming mark Tom put on him last night for his birthday. He smiled at the fact that his body was also covered in hickeys, bites, and a little bruising.

"He really wanted to give me a birthday I can't forget." He heard a small groan from the bedroom.

He looked over at Tom clawing his side of the bed. "Cute..."Tord said as he decided to wake Tom up from his slumber.

"Tom? Thomas, time to wake up~." Tord purred in his ear while gently shaking him.

"Five more minutes, Miss Susan?" Tom groaned in his sleep. Tord question why he was talking about his bass in his sleep.

"Fine, but you have you have to get up." He decided to play along while looking at his movements.

"That's why you're my favorite nanny. I even named that bass you got me after you. So that you'll always be with me like Tommie Bear is to my parents and Tomas." Tord almost fell over when he saw the smile on Tom's face. He couldn't handle the cuteness overload. He had to wake him up. So picked him up after five minutes and shook him lightly.

"Love, time to get up~! It's Monday and you'll be late for work~!" That made Tom jump out of Tord's arms and into the bathroom to get ready. He went to his closet and pulled out gift bag. He tossed it to Tom when he came out of the bathroom.

"Put that on instead of your work clothes." Tord said as he walked back into the closet.

"Why?" Tom looked down and saw something blue in it. He walked in quickly to get redressed in the outfit Tord gave him. 

"Because I said so." He was getting dressed in something different too.

"Come on!" Tom said as he grabbed Tord and ran out the bedroom door.

"We're going to be late!"

At the office...

Tom was riding the elevator up with Tord. He didn't care about keeping his relationship with his a boss a secret. In fact, they was having conversation while wearing their old clothes. The only difference is that Tom's blue hoodie had red beads on it. He didn't even bother covering up the bite mark on his shoulder. The people in the office just looked at them before they went their separate ways.

Tord walked into his office where he was greeted by a famous jeweler. He sat down across from the man before Tom walked in to talk to him about paperwork. Before he could, Tord had Paul and Pat pushed Tom out the door. It was a private and important meeting they told Tom. Even they didn't know what the meeting was.

The jeweler looked at Tord while the man pulled out a piece of paper and a small suitcase full of cash.

"I need you to make me some wedding rings, like this..." He pointed to the design. He knows this was a big step in his life besides becoming immortal. 

He wanted to make the relationship with Tom an officially  permanent one. 


Sorry if this story wasn't as great as the other other but, this is the end of the story. I am going to be putting up an Author's Note with word about the last book of this series. 

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