Chapter 7: News from "Home" and meeting the Oni Lady, Esmeralda

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Tord's POV


I never seen Tom this tense lately.

The man named Samuel came near us. I wanted to shoot the guy, take Tom, and leave at that moment. To get Tom out of this situation, period. He looked like he wanted to run but, couldn't. It was too much for min søte to handle.

I felt a hand on my chest and the smaller male shaking his head no at me. His faced the other male before asking him a few questions.

"Why do you need them?"

"It's private but, important news from the castle."

"Those old beasts. What do they want?" He growled. 

"Still private unless you're either Master Timothy or Master Thomas."

"We can quit playing the games, Samuel." Tom took off his visor and shielded his eyes to show them off.

The man bowed. "I'm so sorry Master Thomas!"

"It's Tom, Sam, or did you forget?" He put his visor back on. I knew that hurt but, it was important.

"Can we talk in private, Tom?" I heard a sigh escape my lover's lips before leaving with the man.

I kept a close eye on them from my table. There were times that I wanted to get up but, Tom gave me a look  that told me not to move. It was when the man gave Tom a box before ushering him into the powder room is when I got up. I didn't want to lose either of them to something bad.

I found Tom with a gun in his hand and the man helping him put on a holster.

"Tom, what are you doing with that gun?" I asked. I was both curious and worried. He never had permission for a gun within reason.

"It's none of your concern." He said in a darken tone. He was adjusting the gun to hide in his vest smoothly.

"It is when you have a gun and you're not trying to tell me anything!" My voice rose enough to make him flinch before calming down.

Before I knew it, I was getting hugged by Tom. He told me he'll tell me everything  in private before walking off with the Samuel.

"You better." I was being overprotective but, I don't want anything happening to him. Especially when he's my beloved.

I should've just left him at home! He would be safe there and protected! I mean, I don't want to make him feel trapped but, it's shit like this that makes me not want to take him! I can't lose him again. Not like this when we finally gotten shit straighten out.

"If you're worried about your lover, he's not leaving the party without you, dear leader." A female voice spoke up.

I turned around to see a short tanned woman with a fancy red dress on, brown wavy hair in a bun, and light makeup on. She looked at me with her red eyes and bared her fangs in a smile. I don't know why but, I felt like there was something sinister about her that made me be on guard.

"My name is Esmeralda and this is my father's party. I'm also here to watch out for lover boy who just walked out." She smirked. Her eyes stayed on me. 

"Why?" I asked. I don't remember her being around Tom much so how...

"Before you finish that question, Tom is an old friend of mine and he share something in common."

Without warning, the woman turned into a half-human monster. She could scare the life out of a person. But Tord? Nah, he's seen way worse on the battlefield.

"He and I are monsters or experiments if you want to call it that." She purred. The girl looked like a two horned Oni from the manga I bought last week. I wanted to ask her how or what she meant but, she cut me off.

"You boyfriend never told you much about his life huh? I can understand some what. I sense chaos in him that would make me want to protect him from life itself." At this point I never wanted so much to ask her but, it was difficult.

"Our clans protect each other so, I want to form an alliance with you to protect him. I'm sure Annie would agree as well. Right, Annie?" I looked over to a shadow moving. Only for it to be Annie coming into the light.

"I'm sorry boss but, I had no choice. His clan needed me to watch out for this branch of the family. Especially him." She looked away scared. 

"Why?!" I wanted to kill them both. What clan? What do they want? Why Tom?

"He's reckless!" They both said. The look on their face was proof of that. He can be reckless at times. 

"Oh great, just more problems that I need." Everyone looked over to Tom leaning on the doorway. He was annoyed if not, pissed.

"Hey Tommy~!" The woman said as she turned human and walked over to him.

"What have you told him?" He hugged her.

"A lot?" She was nervous. She knew at that point, she fucked up.

He growled before saying dammit under his breath.

"Tom." Esmeralda said sternly. "Why haven't you told him or even marked him yet?"

"Because time and luck is not on my side." He replied. He looked over to me with a concerned look on his face.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know. But, for now, let's party!" His mood changed quickly. He grabbed both the girls and dragged them out to the dance floor before I could say anything.

Just what are you hiding, Thomas Ridgewood?


I don't know why, but, I want to lemon lime the next chapters.

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