Chapter 21: Trip to Germany

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Tom's POV

For me, it wasn't hard to convince people that I was sick. I had a technique that usually got me out of school for a few days to a week. I would start to get 'sick' around the third day and come in looking like shit. Sometimes, with a bit of makeup, I would look like I had the flu and would be sent home quickly. Even Tamara started to ask how I did that so she can get out of school. I still get a call from her on which makeup makes you look sicker so that she didn't have to go with Tori on boring trips.

Matt, on the other hand, was getting sick. He caught a cold two days ago because of the Norwegian weather changing. I mean its fall here and will be winter soon. I'm going to miss the sun for a few months but, that meant more hot drinks and cuddling under thick blankets for me!

I started to show signs of being sick on Wednesday so that it didn't look suspicious. By Friday, I was wearing a surgical mask and sweating from the chilies I ate earlier. Matt wasn't holding to well himself and we were ordered to go home early after the meeting. I feel sorry for Matt though. If he wasn't so stubborn about going to Germany, I would have put off the trip until he was better.

Annie and Ezzy convinced Tord to let them leave for Germany. Annie told Tord that she had a sick relative that wanted to see her. Esmeralda had told him that she had some important business there as well so, Annie can ride with her. Maple was suspicious of the ploy and wanted to go. But they both told her no and left before she could protest.

We met the girls at the airport. I was able to drive Matt's car since he was falling asleep behind the wheel. I had to switch out of my visor so that I wasn't reported to Tord and he tries to have me arrested. But, I wasn't going on a regular plane. Instead, Ezzy already called for her jet two days ago and it was already there.

"So, let's put phase two into play. When we get on that plane, I'm going to put my visor back on. Once the jet hits a hundred miles out of here, my visor will click off. Matt, do you have the remote?" I asked after explaining that.

Matt took out a remote and checked it. It was working so, he handed it to me. I placed it in my pocket along with a small compact mirror so that I can talk to Tomas on way. Now, I can see why Matt likes to look at himself in the mirror a lot.

We go into Ezzy's private jet before anyone can see us. I was amazed at the size inside the jet. I was also impressed with the spread waiting for us, especially the small bar and the hot bartender.

'You better not be thinking about that, mister. I'm keeping you committed here so drop it.' I could feel Tomas poking at my brain to stop me.

'Can I at least flirt with him? It's been complicated lately and I need a stress reliever.'That damn monster...

'Do it and I'll blind you temporary. Just get a drink and sit your butt down.' He huffed.

'Remind me again why I made a pact with you. It's more of a hassle now.' I rolled my eyes, hoping no one would notice.

'I know lover boy is an asshole-'Tomas started.

'Been one since I met him~!'

'But, you have to stay faithful. You already betrayed him by doing this. But, it is a redeemable offense. That is not.' Tomas had a point. Unless I break up with him, this would be cheating and I have been cheated on before.


'Good, now I'm thirsty. Drink please!' I felt sick this time.

Once the visor restriction turned my visor off, I quickly turned it on. Then, I walked over to the back end of the jet to pick up the cats. I made sure that they were fed good cat friendly food before placing Lil Tom in my lap to pet. I think Tord is jealous of this little guy because he ends up in my bed more than he does. I mean, he was in my room while Tord was grinding against me Sunday. Plus, I give my fuzz baby more affection than I do him.

Even Tomas admitted that if Lil Tom was human, I would have less time for Tord to begin with.

I was looking out the window while petting Lil Tom. I was hungry so, I ordered a loaded bagel with a long pour White Russian. I felt my little man play with my hoodie strings as I looked to the beautiful skies. I had to look over at the gang who was either asleep or relaxing.

I decided to do some work instead and ended up getting almost two weeks of work done (minus video meetings until we get to the hotel). It was a simple task until the cats decided to tag team me and I had to put them in the carriers again. I wanted to let them back out after hearing their mews and cries. I couldn't resist and decided to let them lose again. I play with them until we was in Germany.

By the time we got to Germany, it was pretty late. We decided on a pet friendly hotel in the city where Edd was. I called, well Matt called the hospital to see if we can bring a patient's pet to visit him. The nurse was fine with it as long as the cat didn't cause any trouble. I happy to hear that but, it was going to be hard as the place was secured with guards.

Next day, we all piled into a taxi with the carriers on our laps. The place we are staying at is worth the price. The food, showers, and even the beds were luxury fit for high class people. Matt paid for it all so that I didn't have to pull out my card. How, I don't know but, he must have a good standing with this place to get us damn good rooms.

Anyways, I saw the hospital that Matt told us about. He said it was the best in Germany and the most guarded due to the Red Leader. Only his inner circle and a few chosen can use the care there. I guess he does have a heart to put Edd into a fancy hospital like that. Matt told me to be on guard as they will report him if they have to.

I didn't care for that. I didn't do all of this to back out because of a bunch of guards. If I have to, I'll take Edd and Matt away to somewhere that Tord can't get to us.


Tord's POV

I should go check up on Tom and Matt sometime today. They are home sick but, I'm not convinced that Tom is sick at all. I remember him constantly getting sick in school until he told his sister...I pulled out my phone and called my command center.

"Yes, sir?" a man asked.

"Did the restriction go off yesterday?" I asked. I was to be informed when that happens so that I can catch Tom quickly.

"Oh my. It did yesterday but, a remote reactivated it. We thought it was you sir." I grabbed out the remote I had in my possession and found it to be a fake.

"Matthew Hart and Thomas Ridgewood is to be arrested in Germany. Send that out to the Germany base quickly!" I growled.

I threw the fake at the wall. He wanted to see Edd that badly? Does he know the severity of the punishment for leaving this place without authorization?! HOW DARE HIM!

"Also can you track a few phones?" I had a feeling they had some help.

After I got the information he needed, I called my cousins for an overnight trip to Germany while packing.

I'm going to make someone's life hell. 

I'm coming fellows~


Should I make next chapter a slightly smutty chapter or keep it clean? 

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