Chapter 19: Operation: Sick Friend

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Wrong! As Tom realized quickly.

He got out of his bed to go to his desk when he thought it over. The last time he left, Tord put a lookout on him just for leaving out of anger. There's no way to leave this place without a plan. It had to be a good one or else his ass was grass.

He grabbed his laptop out and looked up some things for his trip out of Norway to start. Then he grabbed some sheets of paper to write down his plan so that it wouldn't leave a paper trail. A small black binder was the next thing he grabbed. He labeled it Mein Land to throw any snoopers off his plan.

To an outsider, that binder would just be some random thing. But to anyone who knows Tom, they would know what it means. They know it would be a book of plans and other things. They would have to crack the pages to find out what he's hiding.

He started to write his notes in code, each page more interesting than the first. This was his first step towards leaving the kingdom. By the time anyone could find him, he would either be in Germany or returning back to Norway. It was mostly foolproof as there was a few people who could crack his code.

He felt his right hand stop writing for a minute. Instead, it grabbed a mirror out of the desk and in it was Tomas. Tom was curious about this turn of events. Tomas never had this ability before, so why now?Before Tom could speak, Tomas cut him off.

"I come in peace, Tommy boy so don't worry about that. Let me explain, when you created that pack with me, it opened a lot of my power. This is one of them but, that's not important. I feel something is off about you, what's has you agitated to disturb the void?"

"I want to see my friend but, Tord will not let me. He knew but wants me to stay here for some reason. What if this is the last chance to see him? What if that box is the only memories I have of him? At this point, I rather mark Edd than Tord. At least he cares about me."

Tom looked over to the mirror and was surprised. Tomas looked angry at him for some reason. He knew Tomas like Tord but, he refused to make that guy a mate if this is what he has to deal with. Tomas decided to speak up before Tom could say something.

"It has to be him. He promise me that he would watch over you regardless. If I have to, I'll mark him myself since you're too much of coward to do it!" A growl escaped Tomas' lips as he said it.

"I'm not going to stay with a fucking asshole who shields me from the world just because he can! Edd and Matt are my second family, you asshole! I would risk getting captured by my fucked up clan if it meant seeing the one who cared about me regardless! If that means getting sneaky THEN SO FUCKING BE IT!" Tom almost slammed the mirror down before he heard Tomas talk. 

"Fine but, let me help you."

"Why, what do you gain from this?"

"For starters, a vacation without being chained up for once." Tom heard the mirror sigh. That's right, this will be one of the few trips Tomas will be with him on.

"Okay," Tom pulled out another piece of paper to write on, "where do we start?"

"For starters, we need your 'eyes' to work outside this place. That means either reprogramming something or getting the remote from your lover boy."

"Whelp, there goes most of the plan." Tom forgotten about his visor. He could take his glasses but, you can go so far with them. Plus, if they were lost or stolen, he would be literally blind.

"Not exactly" Tomas chimed in. Tom knew what that means. He wanted to avoid doing that for the remote.

"Pervert, I mean getting access to his office or home. I know he has a spare around the area. I mean, having one remote would be stupid."

Tomas did have a point which perked up Tom's interest in the monster. Tord would have at least two remotes just in case one gets lost. He usually keeps one on him so, that one is out of commission unless his fingers were slick enough to pull it.

But, Tord was paranoid and on high alert so, he would have to betray him somehow.

As he was thinking about the plan, he heard a knock on the door. He placed the mirror down before saying come in to the person on the other end. It was Matt who had Lil Tom with him in his arms. The cat mewed at Tom before hopping out of Matt's arms and into Tom's lap.

"Hey there, no one has seen you for the past few hours. What are you doing in here?" Matt looked at the black binder with papers shewn all over the desk. He knew Tom was planning something before looking at the box.

"You opened the box?" Matt knew something important was in it but, left it alone.

"Yup." Tom took a slight swig of the bottle as it burned his throat. Where Edd got this is a mystery but, he will have to get another one. That was good alcohol to drown his sorrows in.

"You planing on going to Germany? Tom, why do you want to do this?" Tom dropped his pen. How did Matt know about his plan?

"Because, I know you and Edd. Whatever Edd put in that box got you writing something again. Knowing you, it's a plan to go see him." Tom turned around to face Matt who had his phone out.

"Plus, you send our boss and friend a "lovely" text message. Guess who's coming to meet you after his last meeting of the day?" 

"Shit...!" Tom grabbed up all the notes into a neat pile. 

"Fine, I'll tell you what you need to know. I found out that Edd is sick and wants me to see him. Tord is being an asshole and I need to leave Norway to get to Germany. If not, what is in that box will be my only memories of him until he gets better or something..." Tom almost looked away which prompt Matt to sit on his bed.

"I just need the visor blueprints." Matt said in a huff.

"What?" Tom's 'eyes' widen.

"If I can reprogram them, the restriction will be the least of your worries. What else do you have planned?" Matt smirked.

"Why help me?"

"Because it's not fair that you have to chained to this place. You, no we need to have an old times moment for once." He almost laughed.

He handed Matt some papers to get him started. Each piece of paper were a mix of code words and regular words. Something that was easy for Matt to read and take notes himself with some of the paper that fell on the bed.

While Matt dealt with his notes, Tom moved the mirror back into the up position. There, he saw Tomas reading a book from his childhood.

"As you were saying?" Tomas looked up from his book. He scanned the area and saw Matt. This time, it was Tom who cut him off.

"It's cool. He's like the keeper of family secrets now."

"Are you serious?" He had a "For Real" face on before Tom kept going.

"Yes. I decided to tell him before this became serious." At this point, Matt was watching the two have a conversation. He never seen Tom talk to his monster form until now.

"Ok, what can he do? Besides, stare at us while we're talking." They both looked at Matt before he cleared his throat.

"Get you into Germany." He leaned back onto the bed.

"Okay then." They both chimed in while looking at the notes in his hand. He had made some plans himself.

The men stayed in Tom's room until Tord came close to the house. They had a simple plan that would work mostly if done correctly.

The plan was Operation: Kranker Freund. (Sick Friend)


The real fun starts in Germany. So, one more chapter and we get on to the drama part of the story. 

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