Chapter 29: The Wedding

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Tom looked up at the portraits in the hallway while he was being escorted by not only Lama but, at least three guards. He looked at the portrait of a memory. He remembered it was done at the mansion. His father and grandfather looked so happy but, now, they're dead thanks to this family. He found out that his grandfather didn't die of natural causes. 

Instead, he was killed for wanting to protect his family.

It was the same with his father. He found out that his wife was on a hit list so that they can take him back to the castle to get married to a woman who wanted Anthony for a long time. He refused and saved his wife by sacrificing himself so that she could return back and raise their little hell beasts.

Instead, she killed the attackers and herself so that her pups would not be found.

He looked at another portrait and recognized Annie in it. Her hair that was past her shoulders and she was happy. The whole family looked happy but, it was then he remembered that this must be Harris and that this was his family before he died.

Before he even noticed where he was at, he was in a church like building. Lama grabbed the poor Brit and dragged him to his position. He noticed that the groomsmen were guards and the bride maids were unknown female family members. Siting in the first row were Magna and Lama. They were there to stand guard just in case something happened.

As the wedding proceed, Tom kept looking at the door. He noticed that the bride was doing the same in hopes that someone would ruin the wedding so that she could run away. He realize when they got to the part of the 'I dos', the mirror glowed a little.

"Does anyone object to this holy matrimony?" Tom spoke up.

"I-"Only to be interrupted by the doors busting open and a familiar accent was heard through the building.

"I object!" Tord walked in to the ceremony wearing his Red Army uniform and his eye patch. His metal arm was slightly raised to take down anyone who stood in his way.

"Jehovah man! I thought you wasn't going to make it. Took you long enough!" Tom was both angry and happy to see Tord. He almost step off the platform before jumping back at the fireball being shot at him.

"Nobody is going to stop this wedding!" Yelled Magna. "Priest! Marry them now!"

"I cannot in good faith force a marri-"Tom had to block the priest from getting burned. By then, he shifted into a form that could resist damage. At this point,




He was tired of his life being changed for everyone else's needs. It was time that he showed them that his needs will come first. By then, he was ready to unleash his anger on those who forced him to. He got ready to show Tord who he truly was.

A monster.

He was in almost monster mode when he started to fly and move stuff with his mind. When people started to retaliate, he took their power and returned it back to them at a higher damage. He wasn't going to stop until he saw Tord looking at him.

He was both in fear and awe of him.

Before he could finish out his rampage, he was shot down.

"Min kjærlighet" Tord yelled before looking at the person who did it.

The attacker was a tall, older man with an elderly woman by his side. They looked at Tord with a thought in their mind. A man who dares fight with monsters? Or is he a monster hybrid who interferes with another clan's business.

"What are you doing here Red Leader?" The man said. He took a step towards the injured Brit.

"I just came for someone that was taken from me. A very special someone your guard bitch took from my home. I would love to have him back if you don't mind." Tord's arm was raised at the man.

"You mean this man right here? He shouldn't be with you! He should've been with his clan and married by now! Not some plaything to a dictator. I know what you did to him, it's all over his body. How can he live like that when he can find a woman who will treat him righ-"He felt something knock him off his feet. He looked over to see Tom's tail as the culprit.

"Because I chose that life..." He struggle to get up while he was in pain. Tord ran over only to get hit by a large tail. He looked at a dragon that wanted to roast him.

"My love!" Tom yelled before seeing a flash of blue light and the dragon falling. He looked over to Tord who had his laser arm up.

"Yes my dear?" He called in for back up the minute he took down the now injured Magna. Everyone rushed in and started to fight whoever retaliated. The ones who didn't was rushed out of the building by the recon group.

"Now," Tom got up on his feet, "I choose to live that life. I choose to stay with Red Leader regardless if I'm his play toy or whatever. I'm tired of trying to hide who I am for the sake of living a lie!"

He walked over to Tord and kissed him deeply. Tord returned the kiss and didn't care who was watching.

For a moment, everyone stopped to see the kiss happening. Even some the red soldiers was whooping at the scene. The man on the other hand, was disgusted by the action and wanted them to stop. He decided that it wasn't worth keeping Tom alive if he can't control him.

So, he charged at the Brit with the intent to kill. Instead, Tord pushed Tom away, took the hit, and ended up with a deep cut on his chest. He fell to his knees while Tom looked up at the man who did it.

"Just like your father, grandfather, and Harris, they chose to die instead of obeying me. All they had to do was let me kill their wives off and I would give them better ones." He walked over to Tom who was still shocked at fact that Tord was hurt.

Without realizing it, he shifted into his full monster form and smacked the man. The guy shifted himself into his full form and started to fight Tom. While they fought each other, the elderly woman walked over to Tord who was pressing on his wound. He looked up at the woman before trying to raise his robotic arm.

"Don't bother young man, I could kill you right now and it would not make me sad." The woman said. She had a point, she could kill him and have no problem doing so.

"Listen to me, boy." She looked at the Norwegian with a glint in her eye. It was the glint of sadness knowing that her own family killed each other for nothing. The clan was never pure and slowly dying.

"I want you to take the young man you came after and leave this place for good. I'll ban that branch from this clan. They can still keep the last name but, they're no longer welcomed here. I have no desire to keep losing family over this and if that means losing a branch, I will. They made it clear they were never part of this clan to begin with. Now, I bid you good bye."

She transformed into a hydra and forced the two to stop fighting. When she did, she saw her son fall. She looked over at Annie who shot him. They didn't notice that she listened to the whole thing and prepared the shot to take him down.

"That's for everyone you killed for your own selfish gain!" Annie yelled while starting to cry. She didn't believe that the guy would kill her husband because of the love they shared.

The woman took the man and the girls away. She didn't try to fight back or even tried to kill Annie for what she did. She had every right to hurt her son. He was the cause of this mess in the first place. That's why he will be locked away for a long time. His daughters will be separated from him and place in different parts of the country until the elderly matron considered them redeemed for their actions.

Tom shifted into his half human hybrid form and carried Tord away from the place quickly. He met up with Paul and Pat who placed him in the helicopter they flew from the base. Tom didn't know what to do until he saw his hands were cut up and oozing black goo. Without thinking, he placed his hands over Tord's large wound. The goo seeped into his cuts and started to heal him as best as they can.

"I'm sorry my beloved." Tom whispered before passing out.

He was afraid of losing him.

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