Chapter 28: Getting Ready

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Tord and Annie made sure to visit the castle when possible. They knew it was getting close to the wedding as they started to get the place set up for it. Tord looked irritated at the thought of Tom marrying someone else but, he felt something else. Annie knew what that was.

It was the bonding power of the partial mark.

He could feel the pain Tom was going through. It was like the phantom pain he had to deal with on occasion. The pain of knowing that they had little time. This was getting to Tord badly and soon, he started to hear a little voice in his head.

'I hate this...'

"I know you do, my pet." He murmured. He looked over to Annie who looked down at the two that was commanding the set up.

"They have no shame. No honor. I bet it was them who took my Harry from me..." She growled.

"Don't worry." Tord replied. "I'll make sure no one touches them so that you can do the deed yourself."

They both smirked at each other. They knew that tomorrow will be the day they can stop Tom from marrying his 'wife-to-be' and put an end to the problem once and for all. They just had to plan tonight, gather the troops, and get ready for tomorrow.

The next day...

Tom sighed his deepest sigh while he looked at the mirror. He was wearing a tuxedo while the tailors swarmed his body. They had to make sure he was well dressed for the wedding.

His wedding.

He met his so called wife and didn't like her. It wasn't the fact that she was negative or something. It was the fact that he didn't feel a connection with her as he did with the Norski. For him to truly fall for the woman, they would have to go back into time to train him to love this woman.

But, the woman wasn't too happy about being married herself. In fact, her heart belonged to someone else and he knew it. The only reason why she was forced into this marriage was because of money. It's sad that she was sold into a slavery disguised as a marriage.

He looked at Lama with hope that she would leave. She made sure that she was going to stay close to the groom as much as possible. The last thing she needs is a runaway groom. Her sister is probably doing the same with the bride.

"Can I get something to drink?" Tom asked. He was hoping that she would either leave or get him some vodka for his throat.

"What do you want?" The green haired woman asked. She was annoyed but, wanted the transaction to go smoothly.

"A bottle of Smirnoff or something strong?" He asked sheeply. Not wanting an early death.

Lama snapped her fingers at one of the maids who hurried off to get a bottle of alcohol. When she returned, she was carrying the bottle and two glasses. Lama poured a glass but, Tom took the bottle out of her hand and drank the whole thing. They both looked at him like he was suicidal.

"Good but, I need another bottle." He looked at the two.

"No, you're not dying on your wedding day. Not until you consummate the wedding." Lama said. She was more worried about him getting drunk over dying.

"That will not kill me. I drank more and stronger when I was young. In fact, I'm going to need at least three more bottles to get drunk and a case to cause poisoning." He replied. He had his drinking down to a science. Plus, he drank that stuff before and found out the amount to cause poisoning the hard way. It was seeing Edd's face that caused him to change his habits.

"Anyways, you're going to be sober for this." Lama replied.

"Oh great, I'm going to be forced, sober, and married all in one day. Worse is that it's not to the one I actually love." He sighed. This would be better if the person he was marrying was his mate. But, he messed that up.

It was his fault for not going through with his plan of marking Tord. All he had to do was claim him, give him his essence and blood through his fangs and into Tord's body. Then, it wouldn't matter if he left or not. It would save him from this but, like usual.

He was afraid.

He was afraid back then of being with Tord. He was afraid he killed the Norski when he shot him out of the sky. He was even afraid to work for him. Hell, he was afraid of being his boyfriend.

He hated the man but, he feared him more than his own family.

He didn't know why he feared Tord. It was something about his essence that made him demonic. That made him on edge to fight him. But, it made him want the guy. Something about Tord made him attracted to the tall foreigner.

He had a feeling it was the same for Tord.

He looked at the pocket mirror where Tomas was. He made sure to have at least the small mirror close to him just in case they came close to the castle. He would have the persona talk to the two and reply the messages to him. When the people left after dressing him up, he spoke to Tomas.

"Where is everyone?" He asked. It was almost time for the wedding and he did not want to be at the altar yet.

"They're in position. Remember, they're going to crash the wedding on my cue. So, keep me open and near your body at all time." Tomas replied.

He did so by putting the mirror in his coat pocket. It was the only way they couldn't find it. He also grabbed a few things before the green haired girl returned to retrieve him.

He knew he only had a small gap to start raising Hell. He just hope that they're ready to raise Hell with him.


Two more Chapters before we close on this book. 

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