Chapter 12: Dem Hands

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Warning! It might get kinky.

Tom's POV

What is it about my body that makes people want to hurt it? If it's not training, it's something else.

I mean, I have been working out for the past five days and everything hurts. I tried to find peace in the mansion so I can heal. Maybe have some alone time to myself. I'm remembering a lot of things because of the way Tord has been treating me lately. It felt like the old days before that night, before everything changed.

I remembered how he would have his pals tie me up or how he would fight me. I remember him  pulling my hair, him digging his foot into my back. How he had his henchmen holding me down after I pranked him and gave him a while goose chase. I even remembered that night. Oh what a sweet and painful night it was. It was the night I gave up and let the Norski bastard have his way with me.


I would kill for those days again. It was on those days, I didn't have to worry about him jetting off, when we finally have alone time, or his lackeys bugging us. I could go home and have a day to myself. To actually breathe without a trainer trying slam me down on my neck.

Now, I'm starting to regret this.

I stayed in bed, imagining that night and many nights before this relationship. The times we rocked his bed and how the audio was turned off so that no one could hear me scream and moan his name or Master. The dirty talk, the sloppy make outs, the urges that made the Mile High Club a thing. The marks and bruises I had to hide at work but, no one knew who it was.

I felt like a bitch in heat with every memory of those times.

Every memory of him being kind to me. How we would stay up for movies regardless of the night. How I traveled with him on his business trips. How we would play games while in his office. He never got over me beating him at Mortal Kombat. 

How I was afraid to completely mark him while we made love...

I was afraid of the point where we no longer love each other.

I had a reason now though. He became an asshole over my family business. I told him I didn't want to do this but, he kept pushing me. I wanted him to stop but, urgh! He so infuriating over all of this! I should've never answer Sam! I...Dammit!

I just laid there and said nothing. I just wanted to think for a moment about all that is happening. I didn't realize he was in the room. I probably did but, ignored it for a moment. I just wanted to relax and...

I felt hands on me. They were soothing to me while they caressed my thighs. I closed both my eyes and let the hands explore my body. I felt one go near my crotch before I grabbed it while the other went for my piercings.

"That area is for my Master to touch and use~!" I moaned out while the other hand tugged harshly at my piercings. Damn, he was is being rough all of a sudden.

Then, the hands slipped down to pick me up. I took a deep sniff of his scent. It was cherry, mixed with wood and smoke. My body tensed up at not only the smell but, the coldness of metal on my back. I let out a weak growl at him.

We had our spat while I got out of his arms. I felt like an idiot to like him, if not love him. It's complicated now between us and he knows it. Why did he care about my family business anyways? I can handle it myself. I don't need him to jump in when it's none of his concern.

I felt hands slip around my waist and something poking me in my back. Instead of going back to my room, I was being pulled into Tord's room quickly. At this point, I didn't even fight him off. I just let him take me while I heard a purr in my ear.

Like that night. Are we going back to that night? The last thing I heard was,

"Then you know what's going to happen next."

I think he turned off the audio and the cameras for what happened next. I didn't care, it was all a haze to me.


Normally when I end it on that line, the next chapter has some sexual themes in there. So, you have been warned.

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