Chapter 8: Bite Me

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Tord's POV

For the past week after the party, Tom has been avoiding me like the plague at my mansion. He's even sleeping in a guest bedroom to avoid talking to me about what happened. Even when I move him to my bed while he's asleep, he's gone before I wake up. Hell, he even starting to disappear from his own place to avoid me!

What the fuck kind of secret is so important that he's trying to run from me?!

At this point, I'm banning him from traveling with me if this is going to be a problem. Then again, I could lay a trap for him. One that is quick and will get him in a place he can't...That's it! I'll lay a trap in my study! Why didn't I think of this before?!

Once I laid the trap, it didn't take long for Tom to come to my study. By the time he could run, I had him pinned to the wall with one hand and the other locking the door. No one could bug us because I had the cameras and audio turned off before he entered the room. So, it's just me and him in this room alone...Not now brain, we can do that to him later.

I started to hear a growl coming from him as he struggled to break free of my grip. This was starting to get annoying for the both of us. I just want answers from this fool and he's not trying to give them to me. Maybe I could try some kinky...Dammit brain! Again, Not now!

I heard him growl louder which made me enter a growling match before nuzzling his neck and kissing it. For some reason, it calmed him down to talk. He was nuzzling back and whimpering as if he did something wrong. Before I could say something, I was on the ground. He had me pinned down and not letting go. As kinky as this looked, he is one strong motherfucker.

I was able to reverse pin him to the ground before forcing him to open up. I heard a sigh come from his lips.

"What do you want to know?" His looked like he was bored. Ha! Classic Tom.

"Why have you been nuzzling my neck, for starters?" He looks so delicious under me. 

"To mark you. But lately, I haven't been able to do that." He rolled his 'eyes'. He looked annoyed with what has been happening lately.

"What does that do then?" Something tells me I was not going to like the amswer.

"A lot of things." He wasn't going to go into detail. I could make him talk or scream...Or even moan it out.

"Why not now?" I'm curious about this conversation. Even if it doesn't lead anywhere, it's starting to get good. 

"Because it's a permanent. If I mark you, you're my mate for life unless I kill you. It'll shorten my life but, I'll live." Tom almost snickered at the end. He loved dark humor. 

"So, it's like marriage?" I wondered about why he kept calling his in-laws, mates.

"Yup." His 'eyes' where half lidded, like he was about to go to sleep. 

"Okay." I bared my neck to him. He looked at me like I shot the dog. He somehow pushed me off of him. 

"I can't! Do you realize what you're getting yourself into?!" He started to yell as if I was about to do something stupid. He was beet red at the thought of marking me.

"Being your mate?" I got up and had a confused look on my face. 

"For my life cycle! If we start to hate each other, we can't separate unless one of us dies!" At this point, Tom wanted to get out. He tried to pull the door open.

"What is your life cycle?" I was curious. He was a monster so, he should have a long life span.

"Almost over 200 years. If I die, you will die with me. There is no choice in that matter." He was tired and flustered from trying to get the door open.

"Okay and?" I stopped him only to place his hands in mine. "You shouldn't live your life alone because of this. I almost did and it was painful. You never get to feel the emotions of being with someone until they come into your life. And, when they leave, it hurts so badly."

"Speaking from experience?" He cooed. A sly smile on his face . Again, he likes dark humor. 

"Oh shut up dude!" I punched him in the arm before we both busted out laughing.

"Just do it. If we start to trully hate each other, we'll kill each other. Okay?" I said. I ran my hand through Tom's hair while he purred.

"Fine but, not here." He felt sorry for the maids who will have to clean up this place if that happens. 

"Where then?" I pulled him close to kiss his cheek.

"For starters, not here." I knew where this was going but, I wanted more out of him.

"Later then. Now, answers." I wasn't going to let him get away with it through sex.


"My family is a small branch of a clan of monsters." He rolled his eyes. "Every year, we try to find mates to be with for good. The problem is that these mates are starting to become more human than monster. Well...That's becoming a problem for the elders up at the castle."

"You have a castle?" He never mentioned it to me. In fact, there a lot of things he never mentions to me. 

"The main clan does. Anyways, they want to arrange marriages of the unmarried clan members so that they can mark them and have a lot of monster kids. But, I already found my mate." He smiled at me.

"So, that's why you have a gun."I sigh. 

"Yup. They're trying to arrange my mate. But, if I claim you, I'll be free of this mess and be with the one I want to protect and care for."

"Oh Thomas..." I faked a dramatic scene swoon just for laughs. 

"Do not cheese on me dude or else..." He was getting ready to punch me in the arm before I stopped him. 

"Fine...Anyways, let's do this. I don't want to lose you to an arranged marriage of someone you don't love." I unlocked the door. "Let me call Paul and Pat so that they don't disturb us."

I think I heard a small yes from him.

"You really don't like them, do you?" I felt him pick me up and carry me over his shoulder to the bedroom.

"Not when they're disturbing us for stupid reasons." He chirped. Starting to seriously regret this claiming thing now.

Before I could get down myself, I was tossed on to the bed. He drew the curtains before getting on top of me while baring his black...fangs?

I'm this for the long run...What can go wrong?


Yes, what can go wrong? Place your bets people because it might turn into a lemon next chapter. 

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