14-I Completely Wrecked Mum's Car

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*Just a warning, the swearing in this chapter is a lot more pronounced than usual. It's a one-off for this chapter because it fit perfectly and I found it bloody hilarious.*

Chapter 14: I Completely Wrecked Mum's Car

Any guesses as to what I did with the rest of my weekend? I studied. Yep, exciting I know but I had a lot of homework to catch up on. Let's just say that I managed to write my entire RS essay so now I won't have to worry about it and do it next Sunday, which is the day before it's due. I usually do all of my work last minute but this year I've promised myself that I'd stay on top of things and that's exactly what I plan on doing. So far, so good.

Anyway, it's now Monday my favourite day of the week—note the sarcasm. I eat one of mums delicious breakfasts as per usual and then scurry out the door once I hear Ava's car.

"How come you didn't reply to my texts and calls at all on Saturday?" Ava asks as soon as she's started the car, preventing me from jumping out to avoid the conversation, curse her for planning ahead.

Ummm. What do I say? I don't want her knowing about Wyatt. I don't want anyone knowing about my involvement with the Kings in general, not even my best friend. If it gets out I'll be the centre of attention all over again and I can't deal with that.

"I kinda slept most of Saturday away if I'm honest. You know how draining last week was for me, I just needed to catch up on some well-deserved sleep, sorry." Lie.

Ava nods and changes the subject but not before sending me a sympathetic look. Huh, I guess I'm better at this whole lying thing than I thought. I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing.


The next few days pass in a blur. They all consisted of me actually doing all of my work well before the deadline and not sleeping due to my obsession with reading at night. The usual, apart from the work stuff, that's new.

I haven't actually spoken to Wyatt since Saturday but I have caught his eye every now and then but it only lasts for a few seconds at a time. Nothing too obvious so no one has noticed, thank god.

It's finally Friday, last period might I add so the weekend is near and I can hear it calling.

The seconds tick by ever so slowly. I feel as though the more I will the hands on the clock to move the slower they go, typical.

Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, I hear that deafening bell and I run out of class like a mad woman.

I drive home with Ava as per usual but then I remember I completely forgot to find out about what has been troubling Mason. He's been acting weird for two weeks now but my minds been too preoccupied with other things recently to find out what has been going on.

Enough is enough, I'm going to see him tonight.

I quickly finish off the remaining homework I have and scarf down my dinner before grabbing the keys to the seventeenth birthday present that I hardly ever use.

Don't get me wrong, I love my car but I'm just not the best driver. I can drive, only last week I drove to Ava's, it's just that Mason's house is a bit further away and that can cause a few issues, totally minor ones though.

One time I completely wrecked mum's car, I'm talking beyond repair. I've also damaged it quite badly a few times in the past. That's why she was hesitant to get me my own in the first place but after realising I would keep destroying hers she finally gave in. Lord knows how I even managed to pass my test, sheer luck, that's all I've come up with.

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