39-A Lingering Kiss

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Chapter 39: A Lingering Kiss

The next day I woke up at five in the morning thanks to the last of the chirping birds still here despite the nearing winter and since I couldn't get back to sleep I decided it would be best to go for a run as I'm not sure how much longer the weather will allow me to do so.

After getting ready and throwing on a jumper to help lessen the chill of the bitter wind I was out the door, deciding it was best to wait until I get back to have breakfast.

My jog was rather pleasant as I watched the sun rise.  I did, however, make sure to avoid the park so I'd have no chance of bumping into Wyatt, I doubt he'd be there but there was still the smallest possibility.

I was going to that party with River tonight and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. However, I'm not going to let a few nerves stop me from having a good time. I'm hoping that I'll be able to let loose and just enjoy myself so I can be that girl I've been aspiring towards. I feel like River is the right guy to help me change but at the same time a small part of me wishes that it was Wyatt. I shake away those ideas quickly, refusing to let a certain blue-eyed devil penetrate my thoughts yet again.

When I got home I decided to call Max and ask him how his match went. Not surprisingly, he won but I could hear the excitement in his voice as he gave me a play by play of the game, clearly exaggerating parts but nevertheless it was still great to listen to, especially because of the passion in Max's voice. I'm so glad he's doing what he loves and I can only hope that in time his parents come to understand this is what he wants more than anything.

He asked me if I was free to go out tonight (after every win the team and close friends go out to celebrate. They do something different every time so you never know what to expect) but I told him I was busy. He was a bit bummed by this but said that we'd just have to hang out later, no excuses, to which I agreed. I was extremely tempted to tell him about me going out with River tonight but I didn't want him to worry.

Max would no doubt drop everything and stay with me if I asked but I wanted him to enjoy himself. Besides, I need to do this on my own. I need to be independent and follow through with my decisions, regardless of the consequences. So I didn't mention it and instead told him to have fun and tell me all about it later.

Before I knew it, evening came and I was dressed and ready to go to this party with River. At around eight o'clock I heard his car outside and said goodbye to mum (the twins are at a sleepover). She, for some bizarre reason, loves it when I go out to parties and things, saying that I'm finally acting like a normal teenager whatever that means.

The car ride is pleasant. We chat about trivial things, just getting to know one another but I still don't feel that connection with River and I'm not sure if I ever will and guilt pools in my stomach because of this. I should like River but I don't — maybe it'll come with time.

We park a couple of streets away from the house but I can already hear the music, it's faint but as we near it just gets louder and louder until it's almost deafening.

River sends me a charming smile and clasps my hand in his as we approach the rather large house. "Who's party is this anyway?"

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Just a friend of mine. He always throws the best parties."

We step inside and within seconds I can already tell that this party is in full swing; drunk, horny teenagers spottable everywhere in sight.

The night starts off smoothly. I meet some of River's friends, have a bit of a laugh and only have a small amount to drink — just to give me a bit of a buzz, it's nowhere near enough for me to get drunk.

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