21-I'm Everyone's Type

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Chapter 21: I'm Everyone's Type

I start to shake in my chair.

I can't do this. What was I thinking? I'm going to make a fool out of myself. I'm no model. Fucking hell, nothing can save me from this. Why the hell did I agree to this? What is wrong with me? I'm such an idiot.

The lady doing my hair notices my trembling and sends me a kind smile. "What's wrong with you?" She asks soothingly in her thick Irish accent.

"I'm just really nervous," I tell her, "I've never had to do anything like this before."

"Ah well don't worry I've seen plenty worry on their first time but they've all done great but if you're feeling nervous just imagine that you're not actually here, instead, pretend you're in your favourite place, that's what I do when I'm scared," she tells me.

"Thank you, that helps a lot," I say, sending her a shaky smile.

"Anytime dear, anytime."

I don't think of anything the whole time I'm getting ready, which is a while, this hair and makeup shit takes donkey's years I tell you. I know that if I think of anything it'll just lead to me worrying and panicking and I can't have that unless I want to start hyperventilating on set, now that would be really embarrassing.

Once everyone has finally finished touching me up, a girl with pin straight dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, a fancy earpiece and a clipboard sends me in the direction of the shoot, I'm assuming she's an assistant of some sort. I take small cautious steps and deep breaths as I walk.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

I walk into a brightly lit room that only has a few people in it. I'm probably one of the first few that are ready. "There you are, Aurora!" Camilla exclaims when she sees me, she too, like the blonde lady from before, has a fancy earpiece in, clearly visible as her light blonde hair is tied into a neat bun, not a single strand out of place.

I nod and give her a nervous smile. My discomfort must've been obvious because she immediately frowns when I do this.

"Sweetheart, there's no need to be nervous," she tells me.

"That obvious?" I ask with a nervous laugh.

"Honey, I've been in this business a long time, trust me, I know when someone's scared."

I let out a few short, ragged breaths as I look at my feet, unable to meet her eyes.

"Sweetheart look at me," she says softly and I reluctantly comply, not wanting to cause a scene. "I know this must be difficult for you so if it makes you feel better I can get Wyatt in here, he seems to calm you down a lot. I did originally shoo him away so he didn't flirt with any of my models–I'm sure you know what he's like–but I think for you I can make an exception," she smiles.

I nod gratefully at her. "I'd really appreciated that," I tell her. I don't know why but the idea of Wyatt being here to comfort me makes me feel a thousand times better.

She nods and says something into her earpiece that I can't decipher, most likely asking for Wyatt. I don't know why she doesn't just call him on her phone but maybe this way is quicker?

A few minutes later Wyatt strolls in but he's not alone. The blonde assistant lady from before is with him–she goes to immediately talk to Camilla–as well as Nathan and Olivia. Why on earth are they here?

"Nathan?" I ask hesitantly, he snaps his head in my direction a confused look on his face as he cradles his sleeping daughter in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" We both ask simultaneously.

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