Bonus #2: Your Bedsheets Are Funny

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Bonus 2: Your Bedsheets Are Funny

James' POV


I actually made it. I was going to university.

I had applied for deferred entry because I knew I wouldn't have been able to cope mentally with so many new faces last year. Even now, close proximity to too many people at once made me anxious but I'd been healing and I felt so much better than before.

This was my fresh start. Past scars left behind but, unfortunately, never forgotten. I tried not to dwell on those memories anymore. Whoever had done that to me was long gone. I was free.

It felt like I had taken the most refreshing breath of fresh air when I stepped out of my car, parked in my designated spot only a minute walk from my new accommodation.

Being a medical student meant I had to come a week earlier than everyone else so my flat was probably going to be mostly empty which I was glad for. This way I could ease into meeting everyone without being bombarded all at once.

It was a strange feeling to have become so much more introverted over the last two years but, in a way, I almost preferred it. It was more... peaceful I supposed.

I had already signed in at the main office and gotten the keys to my flat so now it was time to face the music. I gulped, wheeling my suitcase behind me. Relax, James. There won't be many people there yet anyway. You'll be fine just breathe.

The flat was silent as I walked inside and I wasn't able to stop the sigh of relief from escaping my lungs.

Now knowing I was alone, my shoulders relaxed from their tense position and I strolled towards my room, ready to finally unpack and settle into my new life.

I didn't emerge from my room for another two hours because I was carefully putting everything away and folding all of my shirts just like my mother had instructed that morning. I knew she'd call me later to make sure I'd done it and I'd rather not have to pretend I had.

My stomach growling was what brought me out of my unpacking frenzy so I grabbed the bag with all of my food in it and finally went to take a look at the kitchen I'd be sharing with the rest of my flat mates.


Huh? The noise made me quicken my steps and I was surprised to say the least when I saw someone else in the communal kitchen, tiptoeing to shove something into the very top shelf of a veneered cupboard.

"Need a hand?" I asked from where I was standing awkwardly in the doorway.

The girl jumped, the pan in her hand crashing to the floor. I winced, already moving to pick up the cool metal. "Sorry," I rushed out, handing her the pan. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Great job, James. You've met all of one person and have already screwed everything up.

To my surprise, she laughed, the sound melodic and sweet. "No worries," she grinned, dropping the pan on the counter with a loud clunk. "I'm super clumsy so that was bound to happen one way or another. I'm Radhika."

She stuck her hand out towards me and I fumbled to get mine out of my pocket in time to shake it. I must've seemed like such an idiot. "James."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, James. Thought I was going to be all alone in the flat this week."

I took this as my chance to finally get a proper look at her. She was a little above average height, maybe 5'7, with thick black hair that cascaded down her back in waves. Her skin was a warm brown and her wide eyes were the charcoal pits of scorching fires. She had a silver nose ring as well as an eyebrow piercing and her smile was that of wonders, so bright and happy that it made my heart dance.

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