34-Cocky Bastards

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Chapter 34: Cocky Bastards

We made it the rest of the way with only a few minor disturbances which I was grateful for, another blondie was not something I needed right now. Although, she did help me let out some pent up aggression so maybe a few more of them would be welcome.

Just as we arrive at the actual track two cars race past us at incredible speed. Unfortunately, I don't know what makes they are because I don't know much about cars — motorcycles are much more my thing — but I do know that they're expensive models, anyone with eyes would know that.

After a few more tricky manoeuvres the sleek black car passes the finish line almost nine seconds before the red one — for racing that's actually quite a lot.

I start to make my way over to the finish line, tugging Wyatt by my side, eager to see who the person in the black car was. He merely sighs as I force him to follow me with a vice grip on his arm.

The racer steps out of the car but I can't see their face because of the black helmet they're wearing. It's definitely a guy, I can tell from the build; I can also see some strands of blonde hair poking out of their helmet.

As I get closer to the guy I keep thinking that he looks familiar but I can't place him.

"Hey," I start, grabbing the guys attention from one of the people he was talking to. "That was really cool. Where did you learn to race like that?"

He faces me and I can see him smirk slightly at my question. Great, he's one of those cocky bastards.

He takes his helmet off and shakes out his hair. I immediately recognise the person and as I look into his eyes and I can see amusement dancing in them.


"Eli — I — um — what!?" I stutter out, completely shocked. I remember him saying he was a good racer but I never would have imagined this.

"Cat got your tongue, sweet cheeks?"

I quickly regain my composure, refusing to let my cheeks flush in embarrassment. I've managed to stay confident and careless all day, I'm not about to ruin that.

I shrug at him. "Nah. I just never thought you of all people would be able to race like that," I tell him, enjoying the fact that I managed to come up with a backhanded compliment.

It takes him a few moments before he registers the true meaning of my words. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean, 'me of all people'?"

I let out a light chuckle. "I'm only joking, Eli. That was actually really impressive," I tell him honestly.

He lets out a small laugh as well, scratching the back of his neck. "That's, Ari. Wait until you see him race," he says, motioning to Wyatt with a gin on his face.

Wyatt grins in response but it's only a moment before he quickly turns it into a smirk.

When all three of us are about to go sit down so we can watch the next race, the guy from earlier, T, comes up to us, a clipboard in his hand. He looks a bit more serious than he did earlier, he must be in work mode now. "Wyatt you're up in about fifteen minutes, better start getting ready," he says, nodding to all three of us in recognition and then walking away rather quickly.

"Well that's my cue. Green eyes, please stick with Eli, don't wander off anywhere alone. And Eli make sure you look after her. She is your number one priority, alright?" His demeanour turned serious whilst he was talking so I knew I should probably listen. Wyatt's usually quite laid back so when he's not I know it's important.

Eli nods, his expression matching Wyatt's. "Sure thing, don't stress. Just win your race."

Wyatt nods and turns on his heel about to walk away but I stop him by grabbing onto his wrist. He looks over his shoulder and straight into my eyes, the intensity of his blue ones almost too much to bare. "Good luck," I say to him with a smile.

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