15-Is He Half Robot Or Something?

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Chapter 15: Is He Half Robot Or Something?

I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. Urgh. With my eyes still closed I answer the godforsaken device and hold it to my ear. Whoever this is better have a good reason for waking me up on a Saturday. "Hello?" I say in a groggy voice.

"Rise and shine green eyes!" Oh, Fuck no.

"How the hell did you get my number?" I demand, now fully awake.

"I can't be telling you all of my secrets, now hurry and get ready I'm waiting for you in your driveway."

"How the fuck did you find out where I live?!"

"Language, green eyes! As I've said, that's a secret, now hurry the fuck up, the day is being wasted." Then he hangs up. Great–note the sarcasm. Ignoring Wyatt completely, I go back to sleep.

A little while later I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I call, half asleep.

"Ari," I hear my sister, Alice, call but I'm too tired to reply so I grunt. "Ari!" She snaps this time, pulling the sheets off of me in the process. I jump into a sitting position and glare at her. If looks could kill she would be six feet under but so would I because she stares at me with equal vigour, her sea green eyes boring into me. We both have green eyes but hers are sea green whilst mine are much more vivid and bright, something I got from dad.

"What!?" I snap, ripping the sheets from her grasp and lying down again.

"Someone's here to see you, so hurry up and get out of bed."

Fucking hell! Can't a girl sleep in this day and age, guess not.

After Alice leaves, I quickly scramble out of bed and get ready because trust me when I say you do not want to get on the wrong side of her. Fifteen minutes later I walk downstairs and see Wyatt sitting at the breakfast bar. "Finally! What took so long, green eyes?"

I stick my tongue out at him but choose not to reply as I grab a cereal bar from the kitchen cupboards.

"I never knew Alice was your sister." Wyatt states.

I shrug. "I never knew you had so many siblings, what does it matter?"

"No, what I mean is, I know Alice. Her and Aria are friends, she's been over at our house a couple times. What surprises me is that you didn't know Aria. She's been here quite a bit as well, heck I've even dropped her off. "

"I mean, I don't really bother with checking up on Alice and Hugo when they have friends over and they do the same, it's a mutual agreement. That way none of us gets irritated with one another and no one gets embarrassed," I say and shrug whilst I do.

He nods. "Alright then. Anyway, it's time for another tutoring session," he starts, "but after we're going on another little outing to hold up my end of the bargain."

I internally groan at his statement for two reasons. One, he's absolutely horrible at maths. Two, this outing will be something dangerous, I'm sure. Yes, last time worked out fine, heck it was even enjoyable but it was still dangerous. This whole reckless fearless careless thing is pretty crazy if you ask me but for James, I'll do it.


As predicted the tutoring session went horribly but it could've gone worse. I decided that I should go back to much more basic questions to begin with so I dug out my old year nine textbook, sadly I think it was still a little too advanced. I've decided that I'm slowly going to work my way up from year seven work onwards if he can't do that there's no hope whatsoever.

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