New Book

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Hey guys!

I said I'd let you know when I published my next book so here it is. It's a spin-off about Harper (Wyatt's sister) but can be read as a standalone and is complete. I hope you enjoy it 💜.

(Update: I've also started writing Zack's (Wyatt's brother) story as well if you want to check that out. )


The Fallen King

Harper King is the girl who has it all

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Harper King is the girl who has it all.

More fame than you could ever imagine, looks beyond compare and the job of a lifetime. What more could you want?

Having taken the modelling world by storm, her name is on the tip of everyone's tongues, all watching her every movement. She's a public icon. A celebrity of the ages. The perfect girl living the perfect life.

But immense media pressure and constant scrutiny from the public comes with a price even Harper can't afford. Even she won't be able to survive in this cutthroat industry unscathed.

She's empty.

She's damaged.

She's broken.

Maybe the perfect girl everyone knows isn't so perfect after all. Everyone has their secrets and Harper is no exception. Using modelling as an escape from her saddened past, she threw herself into the lion's cage head first and now it's much too late to turn back.

But maybe all hope isn't lost.

There might just be something that can make this life bearable.

And that something - or rather someone - is Axel Knight.


(Ps. Wyatt (and the rest of his family) and Aurora might be making a few cameos in TFK but I'm not saying anything more...)

This book is also complete now so you won't have to wait for any updates : )


Update: Zack's story

Assassination 101

"That kiss of ours last week? That was just a taste of how amazing I could make you feel, Cassie

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"That kiss of ours last week? That was just a taste of how amazing I could make you feel, Cassie." He kept eye contact with me as he spoke, not letting me look away and my throat bobbed.

"Who said that kiss was any good?"

He shrugged just as confident as ever. "You did. Body language is everything."

"Wouldn't I have already called you if it was that amazing? Maybe you're not as good as you think you are, Zack."


Jaia's life was not what she expected it to be but, then again, who expected to be working as an assassin for the Italian mafia when they were a child? Adopted by the Capo at a young age, violence and bloodshed was all she'd ever known and that was just how she liked it.

The mafia was her home, the only family she'd ever had and she would have done anything for them. That was until she was assigned her most dangerous mission yet: infiltrate MI5 as a recruit and earn their trust.

As if that wasn't complicated enough, life had to throw in a deceit, betrayal and a devilishly charming boy or two to give her the messiest mission imaginable.

Surely nothing could go wrong. Right?


(Just a side note, Zack and Harper's stories happen at the same time and are both stand alone novels. You can read them in either order but some people prefer to read them in the order they were written in which would be: Wyatt then Harper then Zack. )

Zack's story is an action novel so a bit different from this book but regardless I really hope you like it. I'm so happy with how it has come out and I think it's my best work so far.

Hope to see you in one of my other books!

Stay safe xx

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