28-I Think I'm Going To Puke

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Chapter 28: I Think I'm Going To Puke

Max's POV

"Oh, I was just dropping by to say hi to my girlfriend."

I feel myself tense from where I'm standing and I'm sure Ari does as well because she takes hold of my hand that's not on her shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze.

I know he's kidding because Ari is still upset about James, I can tell. It's the subtle things she does, she's been slightly off since their break up but pretends she's fine. I've been wanting to mention it to her but I know that'll make it worse, she's one of those people that hates opening up and asking for help.

She lets out a deep sigh before glaring at Wyatt. He's actually a pretty cool guy but I never knew he and Ari were friends which surprises me because she tells me almost everything, things she hasn't even told Ava.  Not to sound smug or anything but she says Ava is her best friend but anyone close to her knows it's actually me. I'm the one she comes to when she's upset, even if she doesn't like opening up I'm still always there for her.

I heard about her crying after breaking up with James. It hurt me that she didn't come to me but I guess she had a slight vendetta against the male gender at the time and I guess Ava might be better at dealing with that heartbreak shit then me, usually I'm the one causing that. I'm not annoyed about it though.

"Really Wyatt, that's what you chose to say? You could've done something so much more creative than that," she says with an eye roll.

They must be closer than I thought. Ari would never be this sarcastic and herself around a stranger or someone she wasn't close with, she's much too shy for that.

"As I was saying," the blonde boy starts, I know I've seen him at school a few times but I can't place his name. "What are you guys doing."

Ava is about to say something but the sound of footsteps and Jordan's voice cuts her off. "What's taking y'guys so — Eli, Wyatt?"

Wyatt nods at him in recognition.

"Hey man," I'm assuming, Eli says and he and Jordan do a bro hug.

"We were about to play some drinking games, y'guys in?" Jordan asks, addressing both Eli and Wyatt.

Wyatt smirks — I don't think I like it. "You know it."


I could tell Ari was anxious when Wyatt and Eli walked further into the house, it looked like alarm bells were going off in her head. Her breathing rate was increasing a significant amount so without a second thought I grabbed onto her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, just like she did for me earlier.

She seemed to calm down slightly at my touch which made me smile. I'm always glad when I can help her.

Everyone sent curious glances towards us when they saw the two new people but Jordan spoke up before they could ask anything. "Guys these are my friends Eli and Wyatt, I'm sure you already know that though. Anyway, they wanted to join so here they are."

Everyone acknowledges them with a nod and we get started with the game upon Jordan's request.

"So we're going to start with some would you rather, then never have I ever and then, my personal favourite, paranoia," Jordan concludes, handing everyone a bottle of beer.

Would you rather is pretty simple. Someone poses a scenario and however many people choose the least popular have to drink. We decided that you only have to have a bit of alcohol each time, otherwise we'll never make it through three games.

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