45-I Was His Everything

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Chapter 45: I Was His Everything

"Belle?" She chokes out before she suddenly faints. Luckily, Nathan reacts quickly and catches her before she can hit the floor.

There's looks of both worry and confusion on the boy's faces and I'm sure my own expression is very similar. Wyatt looks as though he's piecing everything together in his mind and Nathan has already picked Harper up and is laying her on a nearby sofa in the lounge.

Belle. That's a name I haven't heard in years but it still pains me to this day. Why did Harper call me that? And what am I missing here?

Around twenty minutes later she, thankfully, begins to wake up, a sheen of sweat on her forehead. "Drink this," Nathan murmurs to his sister, handing her a glass of water which she gladly accepts, gulping it down like her life depends on it.

I'm sitting in the corner of the room because I don't want to startle her again and because I'm feeling anxious after what she said. It makes my stomach tie itself in knots to think that Harper is somehow involved. It confuses and scares me at the same time.

"Nathan, what happened?" Harper asks her brother in a quiet voice. "The last thing I remember was hugging Wyatt, then—" she cuts herself off and gulps. "There's no way. I thought I saw Belle but that can't be sh—she—she's dead. I don't understand..." she trails off, sounding distressed.

There's no way...

Could she be talking about...

I suck in a deep breath and slowly walk over to Harper. Calm down, Ari. Just breathe. "Hi," I say quietly, kneeling down beside her. Her eyes go wide as saucers and it looks as if she's about to pass out again. "I'm not Belle," I tell her hastily, not wanting her to faint again. "But I am her sister."

Recognition seems to pass across her eyes and before I know it she's embracing me in a tight hug, crying into my shoulder. "You're her sister? Oh my god. I — I — well — I —" she stutters between sobs, clutching me tightly as though I'll disappear if she lets go.

I let her cry, knowing that she needs it and that it's better to wait until she's more composed before I ask any questions.

Nathan looks uncomfortable, unsure of what to do and I can see Wyatt whisper something into his ear. Nathan gives him an unsure look before nodding and leaving the room. Wyatt, on the other hand, looks conflicted. For some reason, I think he understands what's going on but not fully, either way, he seems to be the only person who somewhat has their shit together.

"Harper," Wyatt mumbles quietly into her ear after she stops crying. "I think it's best if we explain to green eyes what's going on, she's surely very confused."

Harper lifts her head from my shoulder, her eyes puffy and red-rimmed. "Right," she laughs through her last few sobs. "You're mind must be so muddled. I'm so sorry, where are my manners? My name's Harper and you must be Aurora, Wyatt's told me so much about you and it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm deeply sorry about my outburst but I just couldn't control myself, you see, Belle was my best friend at school and seeing you just opened a floodgate of pent up grief because you two look so much alike," she explains, trying to sound cheerful but the sadness is evident in her voice.

"You knew my sister?" I croak out in surprise.

She nods. "Yeah, that girl was the most incredible person I've ever met and the best friend I could've ever asked for." She's looking her her lap now, wringing her hands together uncomfortably and it's obvious that this is a sensitive topic for us both.

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