38-I Dare You To Kiss Me

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Chapter 38: I Dare You To Kiss Me

After getting ready for my date I call Jess to ask her for a lift. I don't really want to drive if I can avoid it and I remembered her saying that she was going to a club near there anyway so it, hopefully, wouldn't be a problem.

I did have to tell her about my date which she was slightly shocked about but she agreed nonetheless and at around twenty to seven I heard her car horn from outside and bid farewell to mum and the twins.

"Hey," I say as I slip into her silver Volkswagen and put on my seatbelt.

"Hey to you girl. Ready for your date?" Jess asks, starting her car and pulling out of my driveway.

I'm actually really excited. There's something about River that intrigues me but at the same time I'm nervous to be putting myself out there. It's only been a few months since James and I broke up and I don't think I'm ready to move on.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


Within moments of us arriving, Jess had already disappeared from view, claiming that she was late, for what I'm not sure but you never really know with her.

I take calming breaths as I walk into the ice cream parlour, preparing myself for the evening ahead.

It's just a date, Ari, you'll be fine. Don't stress and don't overthink.

Once I step inside, my eyes scan the quaint area, searching for River. It takes mere seconds before I spot him sitting in the corner, his eyes on his phone as he seems to be messaging some.

My heeled thigh high boots make a slight noise as I walk across the tiled floor towards him. He must hear me coming as he slides his phone into his left pocket and greets me as I sit down opposite him.

"Hey Aurora, you look stunning," he compliments smoothly, his eyes having given my body a quick once over before I sat down.

I smile in return, refusing to blush and instead compliment him back. "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I say with a wink to which he smirks.

Our conversation continues in a light and cheerful manner and, surprisingly, there have been no awkward pauses. As the night progresses, it starts to become more flirty and let's just say River has a rather big flirty side but I haven't decided whether or not that's a good thing yet.

"So Aurora," he starts, eyes bright with mischief as he leans across the table to hold my left hand which is resting contently on the wooden surface. "Do you want to play a game of dares?"

"Depends what you had in mind," I tell him, feigning innocence at the request.

The pad of his thumb begins to trace circles on my hand as he looks up into my eyes. "I dare you to kiss me."

My words are momentarily caught in my throat as I take in his words but I recover quickly and smoothly. "So soon? There's no need to rush such things."

I made my reply polite and sweet but in truth it's because I don't think River and I have that spark. I don't know why but it just doesn't feel the way it should so I'm not going to lead him on with a kiss that would mean nothing. I carefully slide my left hand into my lap, causing his hand to fall limp on the table, no longer in contact with my own.

He's definitely an attractive boy and I'm sure any girl would be lucky to have him but I'm not that girl — it just doesn't feel right.

He doesn't seem to take the hint as his other hand finds my knee under the table and rests itself there, stroking my exposed skin every once in a while.

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