24-What The Hell Are You Doing In My Room?

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Chapter 24: What The Hell Are You Doing In My Room?

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" Jess says, smirking at me, her eyebrows raised.

I audibly gulp, my eyes wide as I look at her. "Jess...um...hi. What are you doing here?" I stammer, completely taken aback by shock and fear. Usually, I'm a decent liar but I've been caught so off guard.

"I could ask you the same question," she coyly replies.

"Um...well I was going for my weekend run," I tell her, trying to avoid the elephant in the room.

"Alright and..."

"And what?" I ask, playing dumb.

"You weren't doing anything else?" Jess prompts.

"Sorry, I think I've lost you," I say apologetically.

"Urgh. Aurora Jasmine Kelly," she starts firmly, crossing her arms. I wince at the use of my full name, ready for an onslaught of authority. "Cut the bullshit. If you don't want to go into detail about this then that's fine but I don't appreciate you acting dumb."

I sigh. "I'm sorry Jess," I say, instantly feeling bad. I mean, Jess told me about Emma without much hesitation, knowing I wouldn't tell anyone, yet she doesn't even push me to do the same. I shouldn't have trouble entrusting this to her, I've no idea why I do in the first place. Jess has never slipped a secret in her life, not even when being highly intoxicated.

I hear Wyatt clear his throat beside me, clearly feeling uncomfortable. Immediately, I snap into action. "Where are my manners? Jess this is Wyatt, Wyatt this is Jess," I say motioning with my hands to each of them.

Jess gives Wyatt a smile which he returns with a smirk. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Wyatt asks.

Jess shrugs. "Maybe you've seen me at a party? People tell me I get a little out of hand," she laughs with a shrug. "Now, how do you two know each other?" She asks with a grin.

I'm about to reply but Wyatt beats me too it. "We met at party actually," he chuckles. This little one was a bit drunk and I helped her out. One thing lead to another and now here we are," he concludes.

I mull over his words for a few moments. I guess he didn't want Jess to know about the tutoring, maybe he's a bit embarrassed by it.

Wait. Pause. The bitch called me 'little', how dare he. "Excuse me Mr Giant but I'm not that small," I say to him crossing my arms and puffing out my chest, a frown on my face.

"You kind of are, green eyes, I'm only staying the truth."

I huff at him.

"Don't pout at me," he says. "I never said it was a bad thing that you're small. I'm pretty sure I've already told you that I find it cute," he concludes with a tap of my nose.  I feel my cheeks flushing a deep shade of red at his reply.

Jess taps my shoulder to get my attention and I send her an apologetic smile to which she only smirks at, cheeky bugger.

"Anyway," she starts, changing the topic. "Was that the party at Jordan's a couple weeks ago where you got so drunk you couldn't come into school the next day?" Jess asks me.

I feel a wave of guilt washed over me at her mentioning a previous lie I've told but I nod at her all the same.

The three of us converse in conversation for a few minutes before Jess excuses herself, saying she needs to go meet with Emma.

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