50-A Toddler On Crack

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Chapter 50: A Toddler On Crack

He blinks back the few remaining tears as he smiles at me, looking blissfully happy. "Calm down, green eyes," he chuckles. "Let's let the doctors take that off."

Doctors? Oh, I must be in a hospital. That would explain the setting and the oxygen mask. But why?

I nod, not having the energy to raise my arm for any longer and letting it drop by my side. As Wyatt disappears to grab a chair, a nurse with mousy brown hair and soft brown eyes, removes the mask; checks my vitals; tells me a doctor will see me soon and walks away, giving me a kind smile as she does so.

Wyatt comes back moments later, a small plastic chair tucked under his right arm. "How are you feeling, green eyes?" He asks softly, sitting down.

I attempt a shrug but only with my left shoulder. "My right arm fucking kills and my head is pounding like crazy," I groan, causing him to let out a throaty chuckle.

He shakes his head at me. "Glad to see you've not lost your charm."

I stick my tongue out at him like a child which just makes him laugh harder. "God I've missed you, green eyes."

His words send a tingle rushing down my spine but after a few moments, I frown in confusion. "What do you mean? What happened?"

Everything is a blur for me if I'm honest. I remember going to River's house. What happened there is a little hazy but I'm pretty sure we broke up. Then I stormed out, vexed because of the whole situation.

Then everything goes black. I just can't remember.

A frown takes over his stunning features and in that moment I want nothing more than to turn up the corners of his mouth any way I know how.

He diverts his eyes from mine as he looks at the floor, wringing his hands together. "You got into an accident, green eyes."

Even though I guessed that much, I can feel my pulse increase, the unsteady beats of my heart drilling in my ears. I gulp but nod my head, encouraging him to continue.

"Well, you were riding my motorcycle back from River's house and you got hit by a lorry. Luckily, the paramedics got to you quickly otherwise you might not be here right now." His fists clench tightly as he speaks and he still won't meet my eyes.

"You — you've been out for a while. I was starting to worry that you wouldn't make it. Please, never do that to me again," he swallows hard at the end, the words causing his throat to go raw.

"How long?" I ask, hesitantly. He doesn't look any older, the only differences are the heavy bags under his eyes so it can't have been too long.

He breathes out a soft sigh. "Not too long so don't freak out. It just felt like forever from my end. Around three weeks. After your accident, you slipped into a coma. The doctors thought you'd get out of it in a couple days but with each passing day, they grew wearier.

Your heart even stopped beating at one point and that was the scariest moment of my whole life. You scared me fucking shitless, green eyes," he says, running his right hand through his messy, chocolate brown locks. "Who knew one person could make me worry so damn much," he finishes with a distant chuckle, his hand reaching to find mine and give it a tight, comforting squeeze.

A blush spreads across my cheeks but I shake it off quickly, instead focusing on the heavenly feeling of my hand intertwined with his own. Nothing else mattered at that moment, not my accident or even River.

He stands up from the uncomfortable looking plastic chair, still keeping ahold of my hand tightly in his own and takes the small step needed to reach me in my lying down position on the hospital bed. His electric blue eyes burn into my green ones as he leans down so he's centimetres from my face and tucks a stray strand of brunette hair behind my left ear.

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