33-Get Your Hands Off My Boyfriend

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Chapter 33: Get Your Hands Off My Boyfriend

We just drove around wordlessly for a while, the hum of Wyatt's motorcycle engine the only sound to be heard.

He knew something happened that I didn't want to talk about just yet and he respected that which I couldn't be more grateful for; he always knew when not to push for answers.

What seemed like seconds later it was quarter to eight so Wyatt started driving in the direction of the track but not before asking me if I still wanted to go.

Of course I had said yes, I needed something to distract me. I needed to be somewhere where I could let off some steam and the track sounded like the perfect place.

Before long we arrive but as I'm about to hop off the vehicle Wyatt stops me by grabbing onto my arms, which were encircling his waist, gently.

He starts speaking to me in a low whisper. It's hard to decipher what he's saying because we're both wearing helmets but I just about manage it. "Green eyes, listen closely. This place is dangerous and full of dangerous people. I want you to stay close to me or Eli at all times. He'll be here soon but until then please don't leave my side. I don't want anything to happen to you."

His words send warmth through my entire body, seeming to slightly put out the raging fire with me but, unfortunately, it's nowhere near enough to even begin to ebb my anger.

I nod and he lets go of my arms so I can now get off the motorcycle. I do so, swinging my right leg over and standing up. Wyatt does this at the same time as me but takes off his helmet before me. Everyone turns to him as he does so, loud whispers carrying through the air. He must be quite a big shot here too, no different from normal.

I, too, take my helmet off and shake my hair out once it's off to help ensure I don't have helmet hair. The volume and magnitude of the whispers increase once I've done this, most of the attention now on me.

However, I can't find it within me to care, the anger I hold towards James forcing all my other emotions to one side. All I can think about is how much I just want to scream and punch something which involuntarily sends a shiver down my spine because it's so unlike myself, I've always been rather reserved and, obviously, until today violence has never been something I voluntarily partook in.

Wyatt moves towards me and puts a protective arm around my waist before he starts guiding us in, what I assume to be, the direction of the track.

Within moments of us walking a man calls out Wyatt's name and moves over to where we are. They do this weird handshake thing and begin to fall into conversation.

The man is very big, maybe 6 foot 7, and beefy. His neck looks to be the size of five of mine combined and his hands seem to be five times the size of mine as well. He has a scar running down the side of his neck and several tribal tattoos dotted across his exposed forearms. He has a buzz cut of dark hair and unruly stubble on his face and from my estimate is in his late twenties to early thirties.

"Green eyes," Wyatt says, drawing my attention from the man. "This is T, he's the main man around here. He runs the place and deals with all the bets and things."

T has to bend his neck down a fair amount to look at me but when he does he sends me a small smile which I return along with a nod. "I'm Ari, nice to meet you," I say to him, surprising myself because I wouldn't normally be one to initiate conversation.

"Nice to meet you too," he says in a low voice.

"Finally land yourself a girlfriend, Wyatt?" T teases, now focusing back on Wyatt.

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