37-Mystery Girl

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Chapter 37: Mystery Girl

You know what the cherry on the I'm-mad-at-Wyatt-and-am-trying-to-avoid-him sunday is? Camilla releasing the pictures on Monday morning a few hours before school starts.

Mine and Wyatt's faces were on posters and billboards everywhere and it made me want to scream. Don't get me wrong Camilla's new line is stunning — I actually got a couple of the pieces for free which is freaking sick — but I don't think the timing could be any worse.

How am I supposed to avoid Wyatt and not think about him when every single person I meet is bombarding me with questions about him, about us. It's fucking exhausting, I'm already sick of it and first period hasn't even started yet.

Even my close friends were attacking me with questions but luckily they understood that I wasn't in the mood to talk about it so dropped the subject very quickly.

Chase was going on about another one of his hookups at the table and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. At this point, I wasn't sure who was more of a fuck boy: Eli or Chase. Either way, I just didn't understand what they got out of sleeping with so many people, it was just gross if you asked me but at the end of the day it's up to them what they do with their lives. It's not fair of me to judge.

I decided to talk to Mason instead as he wasn't weighing in on Chase's story. He normally sits with Ava — since this year of school anyway — but she had a last minute cheer practice at lunch because of the rugby match that was happening on Friday. Max is playing in that match, that's why he's not here either, his coach scheduled a practice for the team every lunch and after school for the week leading up to the game — a bit excessive if you ask me.

Max is fine with it though. He's hoping to do something sports related at university but his parents aren't so keen on the idea, they don't think it's a stable career choice and what him to pick something more academic focused. But that's just not Max, he's always excelled more in sports than anything else, being the star player of every sports team he's on, especially rugby and football.

"So Mase," I start as I grab a fork full of pasta. "How are you and that mystery girl doing?"

I can see a faint blush creep onto his cheeks but he hides it quickly. "Good," he mumbles looking anywhere but at me.

"Mason, what's the problem? Did it not work out?" I ask in concern. It would break my heart for it not to work out for him because Mason has never had a girlfriend before, he's too shy and always doubts himself. He could easily get a girl if he wanted too — I mean look at him, the guy is hot — but he's never bothered.

"I don't know," he sighs. "We're still seeing each other, I guess, but I don't think she's as into the relationship as I am. And I'm tired of keeping it a secret, it's draining the life out of me and I don't think I can do it anymore," he tells me, sadness clear in his eyes.

"Mase," I say softly. "Look you have to tell her this. Tell her exactly what you told me and see what she says. If she still doesn't want to go public then end it because no relationship is worth the mental exhaustion it's putting you through. You'll end up resenting her and I know you don't want that."

He looks at me almost as if he's calculating me and everything I said. After a few moments, he looks away in defeat. "You're right," he murmurs. "I know you are but it's hard. I like her, Ari, I like her a lot."

I give him a comforting side hug which he returns.

I hope they can work it out. For both their sakes, especially Masons. If this goes wrong it could crush him.


The rest of the day went by in a blur. I don't understand how people can be so nosey. It's none of their damn business about what's going on between me and Wyatt so why can't they just leave it at that? I mean all that's happened is that I've modelled for one of the most sought-after brands with the most popular boy in school and now my face is all over the country on billboards. Nothing big.

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