29-Threatened By Random Year Eleven Girls

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Chapter 29: Threatened By Random Year Eleven Girls

Aurora's POV

When I woke up the next morning my head was pounding, not to mention I wasn't even in my bed. I was lying in the doorway of my ensuite and the entire room smelt of puke — I really don't want to have to clean that and who knows if there's puke anywhere else, I freaking hope not.

It was just before five in the morning — yes, ridiculously early but my splitting headache made it impossible to sleep. After brushing my teeth about five times and rinsing with copious amounts of mouthwash, I had a quick shower, got changed and went to see if anyone else was awake. We do have school today, it is a Tuesday, so I hope everyone can get up.

When I enter the living room the stench of alcohol hits me like a ton of bricks — mum is so going to make me deal with all this, urgh! Eli, Wyatt, Ava and Mason are all passed out on the sofas and carpet. If my memory serves me correctly, Chase and Jordan went to the bathroom and never came back; Rebekah and Oliver had a fight — like they always do — and disappeared into another room and Jess, um, if I'm honest, I can't remember what happened to her.

Wait, where's Max?

Just as I think this, I see his broad shouldered figure waltz into the living room, an apple in his right hand. It looks as if he's had a shower too, he has a few spare clothes at my house because he used to sleep over a lot. "Ari, thank god, glad to see someone is up," he says, walking over to me and taking a bite out of the apple.

I smile at him. "Yeah, my head hurt too much to sleep any longer," I tell him as I walk towards the kitchen with Max following closely behind.

"Yeah, hangovers are a bitch, you alright?" Max asks, a frown of concern on his face.

"I'm sure I'll be fine after I have some paracetamol," I tell him as I open the cupboard to grab some. "Could you grab me a glass of water please?"

"Sure," he says.

After swallowing the pill with some water I ask him, "what about you, how come you're up so early?"

"The sofa isn't the most comfortable place to sleep," he shrugs. "I think I twisted my back," he says with a pout.

"Aw, you poor baby," I say with mock concern lacing my voice.

He rolls his eyes at me. "At least I can handle my alcohol better than 'some people' so I don't have a massive hangover," he says, sticking his tongue out at me.

I wasn't sure what to say to that because he's sort of right so being the mature person I am I copied his action and stuck my tongue out at him and rolled my eyes.

After a few minutes of talking I started to think about everyone else still at my house. I don't want to wake them up until absolutely necessary but at the same time if I don't they won't have time to go back to their houses and get ready. "Max, do you think we should get everyone up so they can go home and get ready for school?"

He looks off into the distance with a look of thought on his face and after a few moments of contemplation he replies, "nah, I don't think we should. We'll have to deal with a grumpy Jordan otherwise and he's a right git when he's hungover. How about we go get them all some coffee from Starbucks instead?"

That's probably a way better idea — I don't want to have to deal with a hungover Jordan, I'll tell you that much. "Sure," I tell Max as I grab a pair of shoes and follow him outside to his car — it's a mutual agreement with most of my friends that they drive instead of me because, as I'm sure you're aware by now, I'm not the best driver out there.

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