35-I Love A Bad Girl

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Chapter 35: I Love A Bad Girl

Myself and Eli head towards Wyatt and I can feel the grin on my face. I had no idea he was such a good racer. Everyone said he was amazing but damn his skills are on a whole new level.

Maybe one day I'll ask him to help me. One day.

By the time I reach him there are several people surrounding him, all gushing over his racing abilities and offering congratulations.

He wears his signature smirk as he thanks them but when he notices Eli and I he brushes them out of the way and walks over to us.

Him and Eli high five and exchange a few words before he turns to me and Eli disappears somewhere.

"That was actually pretty impressive," I tell him, not letting on how awesome I actually found that as to not inflate his already massive ego.

He quirks an eyebrow at me. "Only 'pretty impressive' ? I'm sure it was a lot better than that."

I scoff at him. "You wish."

He rolls his eyes at me in a playful manner. "Do I at least get a congratulations hug?" Wyatt asks with a fake pout that makes me want to laugh.

I refrain but do give him a hug. His arms are large and strong and they envelop my tiny frame with ease. After a few seconds I know I'm supposed to let go but I don't want to; the whole situation is just so comforting and inviting. I feel protected and a warmth was being to grow inside of me.

I do, unfortunately, let go at the same time Wyatt does but it wasn't without hesitation.


Focus Ari.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, refusing to let them stray any further off path. "I need to know where you learned to race like that," I say.

He smirks. "Now that, green eyes, is a secret."


We hung around for a couple more hours before deciding it was time to go. However, we couldn't find Eli anywhere and he was supposed to be giving us a lift home because T had taken Wyatt's motorcycle in for servicing.

After about ten minutes of searching I could tell Wyatt just wanted to hijack Eli's car — I bet he knows how to do that — and leave him stranded and go home himself. He didn't though which made me smile a little on the inside, he must care for Eli a lot more than he lets on.

"I swear to god if he's disappeared because he's hooking up with someone..." Wyatt trails off, irritation laced in his tone.

I stifle a laugh at his clear aggravation, causing Wyatt to send me an unamused eye-roll which just makes me laugh harder.

If I'm honest I'm in no rush to go home. I'm enjoying the thrill of being at the track and all the danger that comes with it. You get this sort of rush from doing something you're not supposed to and I'm living for it. This sudden spell that has taken over my mind and body is exhilarating; I hope it doesn't end because I haven't felt this way in a while.

After a few more minutes of useless searching, Wyatt gets a text. As he reads it I can see his face contort into one of annoyance and he then groans.  "It's Eli," he tells me. "He says he's going to need another half hour or so. So I guess that means we're stuck here."

"Do you know what is taking him so long?"

He sends me a knowing look and the lightbulb goes off in my mind. He's with a girl just like Wyatt said would happen, guess I shouldn't have expected any less from him.

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