Take A Break

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We finally started working on the Hamilton parts of the video and I was excited because it meant that we were finally almost done. We were given a couple days to relax but I used it to practice the difficult rapping portions of Hamilton's parts. It was exhausting but on set Lin was being hard on me to learn the part. It was like a personal challenge. He never said anything about it off set though so I said nothing. He had been gone to spend time with his family who was visiting again. I tried to do other things to distract myself but Lin occupied my thoughts. Kendall spent the break with me trying to get me to go out but I didn't want to run into the Miranda's. To everyone else, it looked as if I hardly spoke to Lin or his family. No one questioned it. They just went along with it. But after sleeping with Lin the one time, I was definitely a little more addicted to him. I was afraid something would show in my eyes then suddenly the whole world would know what we had done. I didn't feel guilty but I didn't want to break up the family.

"Come on, Y/N, you haven't even explored the hotel." Kendall whined clearly become more aggravated with me, "You made me do it, now you have to do it."

"I have to practice."

"You're supposed to be relaxing."

"I still can't get the last few parts down."

"Fine. Practice while we go to the spa. It'll do just the trick."

"What if we run into Anthony?" I lied. I had been pretending that things between Anthony and I were the cause of my reluctance. It was a good cover.

"I already checked before I came here. He's out. Now get up, please, Candace will kill me when she gets back if she finds out you stayed in your room the whole time."

"Fine. Fine." I got up and dressed.

Kendall was right. The spa was just what I needed to relax and not think of a certain someone.

"So much tension in your neck, shoulders, and back." Said my masseuse with a thick Russian accent and skillful hands, "Are you having guy problems?" I stiffened at her words. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! The employees know! What do I do? What do I do?

"I uh erm..."

"I will take sudden tension as yes. You really like this guy?" Okay, she knows nothing.

"Uhm, yes..." I confided, "but I can't be in a relationship with him right now..."

"Professional reasons?"

"Uh yeah sort of."

"Just enjoy what you have for now. Don't force anything."

"Uh, noted?" The masseuse said nothing else in response. Uh, okay? Not weird I guess. The rest of the time the masseuse said nothing. I began to wonder if I had dreamt our exchange.

"Now wasn't that nice?" Kendall interrupted my restful slumber I had fallen into. I looked around at the dimly lit room and wondered again if I had dreamt the conversation. Kendall handed me some water to drink and looked at me with concern.

"Sorry, I didn't realize how much I need that. Thanks for looking out for me, Kendall."

We left the spa and headed to the elevator. Just as we were entering the elevator, I heard a young voice scream my name, followed by two adults yelling "Sebastian, no!" We turned around as Sebastian tackled my legs. I froze at first caught off guard then regained my composure.

"Y/N!" screamed Sebastian again wrapping his arms around me. Kendall pushed the hold door button as the Miranda parents hurried over.

"We're going up anyways." Said Vanessa once they got on. I felt the level of awkwardness rise with each floor level we passed. I tried to focus on Sebastian who was still clinging to my legs and his hold was seemingly getting tighter with each floor we passed. I pried him off as gently as I could and kneeled down to his level

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