We Know

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I woke up the next morning to an arm draped possessively over me. I turned and saw Lin sleeping peacefully behind me. I grinned looking at his hair messily draping across his face. Then gasped remembering we had work to do today. I started shaking him violently.

"Lin, wake up!" I whisper screamed. He opened one eye then let out a massive yawn.


"Lin, it's morning."


"We have work today! You need to go back to your room." He sat up quickly.

"Right. Let me just brush first." He still sounded asleep but he went to the bathroom. Suddenly two distinct knocks came from my front door before Kendall came in. Oh, no...

"Good morning, Y/N," Kendall said sounding surprised, "You're up?"

"Uh, yeah!" I tried to say calmly, "What're you doing here?"

"I always wake you on work days," Kendall looked around in confusion, "That's what you asked me to do... Are you okay?" I didn't get a chance to pick up my clothes off the floor and felt my embarrassment showing. The toilet flushed. We both froze. I swallowed hoping Kendall didn't hear it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no...

"I can explain..." I said before I was hit with a barrage of questions.

"Who's in there? Is it a guy? Did you sleep with someone? Did you use a condom? Do you need plan B? Did you and Anthony make up???"

"Uhh... well yes, yes, no, yes, and sure...?" I partially lied.

"I knew you and Anthony would work out! How could you be so careless? I'll run out and go get some plan B."

"Thanks, Kendall." I sighed with relief. Crisis averted! Then another set of knocks came from my front door. I spoke too soon. Kendall gave the door a look of confusion as he went and answered it. On the other side was Anthony. Oh, crap times a thousand.

"Oh, hey, Kendall," he greeted, "I just wanted to talk to Y/N." Kendall turned slowly to look at me hurt written all across his face.

"I'm sorry..." I mouthed guiltily. Damn, Y/N, you done did it now.

"She's here but she isn't dressed for the day." Kendall's tone was professional and cold.

"I'll check on her later then..." Anthony said and left. Kendall turned and looked at me waiting for an explanation.

"I really do need the plan B..." I lied with my head down.

"You have got a lot of explaining to do." Kendall exited the suite swiftly. Well, that could not have gone worse. Lin came out of the bathroom blissfully unaware. I walked him to the front door and peeked out to make sure the coast was clear.

"Are you sure I can't convince you to come back?" Lin asked.

"Come on, the day just started, please don't bring that up now..."

"I'm still not sure why you left in the first place." Lin ventured. She didn't tell him? Of course not.

"Ask your wife." I said in a sour tone then opened the door for Lin to exit. He left without another word.


"CUT!" the director spoke into the megaphone, "Let's just call it a day. Y/N, do not work on that section at all. I think you're just exhausted from practicing it so much." Practice ended early due to my inability to go on. The more we redid the scene, the worse it got. I want to say it was because I worked on it too hard was the reason the words kept stumbling out in the wrong order but my mind was elsewhere. Kendall still didn't know who I was with since it took him awhile to get the plan B leading us to be late so I didn't get a chance to explain to him. Anthony was acting weird. Meanwhile, Lin seemed absolutely lost in his thoughts. It was not the day to be me. 

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