The End? Not. Yet.

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I woke with cottonmouth and a still fuzzy head. I remembered the previous day's events and popped up. I was alone in my bed. I felt a pang of sadness in my heart. I turned to check my phone on the nightstand. Next to my phone was a cup of tea and a glass of water along with a note that read 'Ordered breakfast. Be back soon. -Ant'

"He stayed?" I said out loud to no one. Suddenly there was a knock at my front door. I slowly got up and answered the door. It was room service. Behind them was Lin.

"You ordered breakfast? You must've had a fun night!" I cringed as the loudness of his voice was a bit much to handle. Lin noticed. "A bit too much fun?"

"I wouldn't call it fun... Did your wife come by last night?"

"Funny you should mention that. Vanessa is-"

"Pregnant." I finished. Lin looked deflated.

"How did you-"

"She came by. She told me. She asked me to reconsider babysitting..."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. She wanted me to think about it. And I did. I thought about a lot of things last night. I thought about Sebastian. I thought about this new child on the way. How far along is she?"

"Almost three months..." I laughed humorlessly.

"Wow, I was babysitting for a pregnant woman and now I'm sleeping with a pregnant woman's husband. I am just a piece of work. Such a Maria."

"Y/N, calm down. You are not."

"I am!" I cringed from hurting my own head. I went in my room and drank the water then the tea. I brought them to the kitchen. Lin followed me.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's this about? We were close before we started sleeping together. What's this really about?"

"We can't share you, Lin. I can't ask you to split time between a growing family and my selfish want." I started to cry. 'Dammit, I hate when I cry.' Lin came closer, but I stepped away. "We are through. I'm throwing in the towel. I can't ask you to do this."

"You haven't asked me to do anything."

"I don't care. Don't try to change my mind. From now on please communicate my assistants should you need to contact me." I couldn't see through my tears.


"I will only accept professional contact through them. If you can't say it to them or through them, it will not make it to me." I struggled to breathe steadily.

"Y/N, no, please!"

"We are done, Lin."

"Y/N..." Lin had tears in his eyes too now.

"Am I interrupting?" Anthony stood at the door looking between me and Lin. I walked over to Anthony and hugged his side. He draped a protective arm around me. We both looked at Lin.

"Lin was just leaving." I said. Lin looked at me then at Anthony. He began to exit then stopped and looked at me.

"My dearest Angelica." He sang.

"With a comma after dearest..." I sang back.

"No," he shook his head, "No comma." He walked out of my room.

So We Had an Affair: A Confessionalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن