We Know Pt.2

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"No pun intended but take a break. I'm all for giving 110%..." The director had released everyone but held me back to speak to me.

"Mhmm." I nodded while he spoke but I'm not going to lie I was not listening to a word.'What am I going to tell Kendall? What's worse is Candace will be back soon. She will sniff the air and know that Lin and I-'

"Alright?" the director repeated interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah! Yeah..." I responded too quickly. His eyebrow rose in question. "I'm going to go on a walk to clear my head." He nodded and let me go. 'Phew! A walk would do so much good.' I didn't get far before Kendall stepped in front of me.

"Well?" he asked.

"I'm going to go on a walk..."

"You want to talk about what happened this morning outside of your room?"

"No..." I mumbled. 'I don't want to talk about it all.' It was completely silent the whole way back to the hotel and into my room. When we walked in, I sat down on the couch. Kendall leaned against the counter of the kitchen. The amount of space between us didn't make me feel better.

"Well?" he asked for the second time.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked while staring at the floor.

"Y/N, you lied to me. Or at least tried to. What could you possibly be hiding from your personal assistant? Even if you committed a murder I would need to know because I would probably end up having to testify since I run your schedule. Also, I never said anything, but you've been quite the homebody since we've been here. IN A HOTEL. I never said anything because it was questionable, but it wasn't damaging as far as I could tell. So, if you're wondering what I want you to say? I want you to say anything...as long as it's the truth." A silence followed his rant. I blinked trying to hold back the tears. 'How do I answer that? He wants the truth... He doesn't know the whole truth, so I have the option to lie anyway but...should I?' A tear slipped out and across my cheek.

"I slept with Lin..." I said before I could stop myself.

"What?" Kendall's disbelief was palpable.

"Twice..." I choked out. I spared a look to Kendall. He looked like he was struggling to take the information.

"You told Vanessa-"

"I wasn't when she originally accused me."

"How long has-"

"Not very long. The first time was when Anthony and I fell out and the second was after Vanessa spoke to me..."

"So, then it was an in-the-moment thing both times? Emotions were running high." Kendall tried to make up an excuse for my behavior.

"No, Kendall, we had been building up to it. It would've happened sooner, but I stopped it.

"So, he's the villain of the story?"

"No, I'm the villain of the story."

"It's your story!" Kendall yelled.

"I know!" I screamed back. We both were standing now. "I know I should feel guilty, but I don't. I wanted this. In the back of my mind from the first moment that I asked Lin if I could babysit, I knew that I wanted him. His wife was right to question me."

"Y/N..." Kendall said my name so disappointed that it stung.

"I don't need your approval or disapproval, Kendall." I said as steadily as I could. "I made my bed and I'm sleeping in it. With Lin. I'm not ready to stop seeing him."

"The only thing I will say is that you said yourself 'rumors only grow'." Kendall said then walked out. 'Well, that went well...'

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! 'Huh?'I opened the door to see Anthony.

"Hey, Y/N- are you crying? Are you okay?" He asked as he let himself in.

"I was chopping onions for my dinner." I lied. Anthony looked over to the kitchen area that sat unlit and clear. 'I should probably just stop trying to lie because I clearly suck at it.' "In the nicest way possible, what do you want?"

"I noticed a bit of disarray this morning. You seemed, for lack of better words, out of sorts?"

"Yeah, I had overslept..." I mumbled.

"You mean you had a sleepover?" My neck could've snapped from how quickly I turned to look at Anthony.

"Excuse me?" I feigned being appalled by the accusation.

"Don't bother lying or trying to deny anything. First off, because I know the truth and second you're a terrible liar."

"I don't even know what you're talking about." I turned my back to Anthony, so I could hide my face. 'How? How? HOW?'

"Why would I lie?"

"You need to leave." I said and opened the door.

"Okay, I'll leave but I need your help making a decision." He said putting his hands up in surrender.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Should I tell people that I couldn't find Lin last night when I went to go talk to him or should I say that I saw Lin walking out of your room this morning, but I don't remember seeing him go in?" My heart dropped into my stomach. I looked outside then quickly shut the door.

"You wouldn't..." I said in a hushed tone.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it..." His smug smile was still an adorable one.

"What do you want?"



Hey, everyone! Thank you everyone who has taken the time to read this! Many, many thanks to the votes and comments. It is so encouraging!

Soooooooooooooooo..............What does Anthony want? Did Kendall over step the professional boundaries with his little rant? How many more Hamilton references can we squeeze into life?

Okay let's go!

G.E.M. <3

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