How Long Have You Known

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Six weeks. That's how long it had been since I had ended things with Lin. The video was successful but that was to be expected. It was Hamilton. Hamilton never failed. Lin never said a word out of place. He was so respectful to my wishes it made me want to run to him crying that I was kidding, and I wanted him back. Then I would remember he was never mine to begin with. Anthony was good to me. He never pushed for me to date him, but he was always there for me. We shared a kiss every now and then. We held hands in public a lot too. People were going crazy insisting we a couple but we both knew that wasn't the case. I hadn't been feeling well so I think he was just extra attached to me to make sure I was okay. I saw him less since my prolonged sickness caused me to stay home and work. Candace came back a week after the filming had ended. She never said anything about the shift in the air between me and Kendall who still was treating me like a boss and nothing more. One day we were sitting in my living room working when a notification went off on Kendall's iPad.

"Y/N, I need your birth control container. It's time to order more." Kendall said politely.

"It's in my private bathroom just go grab it."

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to go picking through your things. I don't want to discover anything private."

"OHMYGOODNESS WOULD YOU LET IT GO!?!" I yelled but looked shock with Kendall and Candace after my outburst. 'I didn't feel that angry... Did I?'

"Okay let's lay it all out now." Candace said after the awkward pause. Kendall and I looked at her with confusion. "Oh, stop it. You two have been acting so strange since I got back. Did you guys sleep with each other?"

"What? No!" Kendall and I yelled together.

"Then what happened?" Candace asked. Kendall and I both looked down then at each other. I could see in his eyes that he wasn't going to saying anything because even though he's mad, he cares. I nod then took a deep breath.

"I had an affair with Lin while you were gone," I said slowly then quickly added "but I ended it right before filming was done." Candace's jaw was on the ground while Kendall's whole body turned to me.

"You ended things?" I nodded at his question.

"Who started things? What? Where? How come you are fun when I'm gone?" Candace pouted. Kendall hugged me then winked and walked into my room. I smiled knowing he wasn't that mad anymore. Candace looked at me expectantly.

"Let's wait for him to return with my pills." I laughed. Kendall ran back into the room looking frantic.

"Y/N, have you had your time of month yet because your pads usually need replacing by now..." I thought about it then shook my head. Kendall somehow grew more frantic.

"Did you take your pills everyday while we were out of town?"

"I may have missed a few when all the Vanessa and Sebastian things happened." I said sheepishly. Candace and Kendall exchanged a worried look. Kendall took a deep breath.

"Y/N, when I got you that Plan B, did you take it?"

"No..." I said quietly.

"Y/N, I don't think you're sick... I think you're pregnant!" And then I passed out.

When I came to, I realized I was in my bed. I jumped forward.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I turned to the voice. Anthony was coming closer to my bed to lay me back down. He smiled lightly at me.

"Ant! I'm I-I-I," I stumbled over my words.

"Shh," he said calming me down, "I already know. It's okay."

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing? Besides, we'll be lucky if the baby is mine so don't apologize just prepare for the worse. I set an appointment for us to get you checked up and test to see if I'm the father. The only thing is that it may be risky. It could—"

"I want to do it."

"I didn't—"

"I. Want. To. Do. It."

"Okay, so we're doing this."

The next day wasn't easy. Neither was waiting for the results. Anthony stayed with me waiting for the results. He tried to ease my fears by talking about the child like it was his.

"She's going to be the most precious little girl. She's going to have my eyes and hair of course. She's going to take by daddy." He chuckled, and I chuckled with him.

"I hope you are the father because you have so much love to give." We smiled at each other then leaned close when all of a sudden, my phone rang. It was the doctor. I put it on speaker.

"Yes, Miss Y/N? This is Dr. Etus. We have the results. The DNA sample you gave does not match the baby." I definitely heard everything break around me.

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