Nobody Needs to Know

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"So?" Anthony asked. He sat across from me with his hands crossed in front on him on the table. He wore his smug smile still. I was looking down to the side. 'How could I have been so careless? How could I let this happen?'

"You won't tell Lin you know?" I asked without looking at him.

"You won't, right?" I threw him a look at his response, "Well, then it's settled that neither of us will share who knows what, but you haven't exactly agreed to my terms." He spoke smoothly.

"To be your slave?" I stated more than asked. "Can't I, like, buy your silence?"

"I don't need or want your money but," He got up and came around the table and clasped two hands on my shoulders. He started to rub them slowly. "You want to keep seeing Lin on the side, right?"


"Then keep me happy. Be my little obedient slave and you can keep seeing him." He kissed my shoulder. I looked over at him.

"Fine." I said barely above a whisper. I felt him smile into kissing my shoulder then he bit me. I jumped at the sudden action. "Okay, can you leave now? I need to be alone." Anthony turned to walk out. When he got in the doorway, he stopped and turned around.

"Hey, can I ask you something first?"

"A real question or do you know where I hid the body too?"

"Is it because of him?" His voice had dropped down. He looked into my soul for an honest. "Is it because of him you didn't want to date me?" I took a deep breath.

"Yes." I said quietly. I watched the hurt wash over his face then disappear.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a glint of mischief in his eyes then walked away. He left, and I shut the door. I slid down the door and sat on the floor feeling the weight of the world press on me. 'What am I doing?'Another set of knocks disrupted me. 'Okay, who else wants to ruin my day?'I opened the door and Lin stood there. He looked lost in thought and determined at the same.

"Hey, what's up?" I said while wiping my face.

"My... Have you been crying?" I looked at the kitchen and considered lying.

"You didn't text me before you came over, is something serious happening? Is Sebby okay?"

"My wife told me what happened." I felt my heart racing.

"W-what did she tell you?"

"She accused you of sleeping with me then forced you to quit." It was silent for a moment. 'She finally told him? Why did she tell him now?'

"So, what now?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Lin, how could I tell you?"

"You could've told me. You should've told me."

"Tell you what? Hey, your wife thinks I'm f*cking you. By the way, if you were thinking of doing it, I'm totally down." Lin started genuinely laughing.

"I am trying to have a serious conversation with you." He pulled me to him circling my waist with his arms. "I'm so sorry."

"You can't apologize for your wife and frankly I'm not sure I want to talk about her if you're going to hold me this close." He chuckled at my comment. It was true. Whenever he pulled me close I couldn't think or answer straight.

"Well, I want to make it up to you." He started kissing my neck. I swallowed to try and calm myself down.



Author's Note

SOOOOOOOO would you guys be okay with going into the bedroom with Lin? Or should we keep it closed door? Thank you everyone who reads my stories! Your comments, upvotes, and messages to inspire me to keep going!

~ G. E. M. <3

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