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I spent the entire night and day thinking non-stop about Betty Jetty's words. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I ended up writing predictions instead of taking notes for my maths test. My maths teacher wasn't very happy.

As soon as I arrived home, I dashed upstairs (well, I couldn't really dash; I had a crutch) and headed into my room. I flopped onto my soft bed, reaching my hand under my desk. My silver laptop felt smooth beneath my fingertips as I pulled it out. I turned it on, the bright screen illuminating the room. I quickly opened Google Chrome and clicked on Poptropica, via the 'recently visited' page.

I was about to log in as Fierce Fox, when I hesitated. Maybe she's not the best to use right now. Instead, I pressed 'new player' and made a random, new account. It was then I began to wonder what happened to new Poptropicans when their creators didn't make an account. I almost didn't want to know.

My new little Poptropican poofed onto Home Island, where she was greeted by Amelia. I skipped over the dialogue and climbed into my blimp. I flew straight to Super Power Island.

I completed the island again, which felt surprisingly odd. It was how I used to play... Watching the danger rather than experiencing it. At the end, with the flying chase, I was convinced everything was totally normal. At least I thought. At the very end, right when Betty Jetty was captured, a note dropped out of her pocket. I couldn't pick it up for an unidentified reason. However, I saw two words:

Capture Alice.

Fierce Fox and I arrived on Spy Island, via her blimp. Spy Island is a modern island, with many metal buildings and whirring machines. The sky is black with shining stars and clouds, while the ground is thick metal. Fierce Fox and I landed on a semi-sphere shaped barber, and slipped off a lamp post. I led the two of us to Headquarters, which is a gigantic metal building.

Inside is completely silver, like every spy's dream come true. Metal platforms are everywhere, connected with wires and futuristic gadgets. I peered upwards, knowing that we would have to jump up there. A lot of my fear for jumping had been conquered, though I still felt a tad. But it wasn't really all for the jumping. It was for what was up there.

"Up there is Director D," I explained to Fierce Fox. "Believe it or not, he's actually the main antagonist for this island. He's just pretending to be good. And he has a little secret- he's bald. He wants to make everyone else bald so they feel his 'pain'."

"Should we attack him?" Fierce Fox asked, making a fist.

I shook my head. "Not yet. We need to talk to him and he'll give us spy information. Then we need to go and complete the island." I bent my knees, my legs leaving the shiny floor. Fierce Fox followed me as we leaped to the top, where Director D was. He was standing in front of a large computer screen, showing images of diagrams. His eyes would not leave me as we stood in front of him. A little smirk appeared on his face.

"I'm Director D. Head of the Secret Operations." Director D introduced himself, his gaze not leaving me.

"Do you have anything for us?" I asked, the words feeling right. It just felt like... I was meant to say them.

"You'll need this decoder kit to decode messages from other agents." Director D answered, handing me a decoding kit. The smile on his face was still there as we bid a brief goodbye.

"Let's go," I said to Fierce Fox, as we exited Headquarters. A nervous chill rushed up my spine. I was getting a bad feeling... I was so apprehensive that I almost smashed my face right into the Spyglass Eye wear store. Conveniently, it was the store we needed to enter. It has cream bricks, with a big mustache and glasses sticking out the front. "It's bigger on the inside." I pointed out. Fierce Fox seemed to agree.

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