Astro Knights

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I wandered down the school halls, putting my mind off my leg as usual. I've had my leg problem since what feels like forever- plenty of time to get used to it. I opened my plastic grey locker, greeted to the same old books. I fished through a few stacks of paper, searching for one of my pencils. Then, I felt an awful shiver trickle down my spine. My hand froze in my locker, and my leg started to twitch.

Someone was behind me, and they were holding up a clenched fist. I noticed this mystery person was wearing a black, leather hoodie, so I couldn't see their face.

"Who are you?!" I gulped, feeling the hairs on my arms stand straight up. The person didn't reply, but furiously clamped a hand over my mouth, so I couldn't make a noise.

"I'm not telling you," they hissed, in a low, scratchy voice. "But what I do want to say is watch out- there is a lot coming for you Alice; some you may not be able to prepare for." Their hand lowered from my mouth, and they ran away into the crowds of chattering students.

Who was that? What's going on?

Fierce Fox and I arrived on Astro Knights, which is similar to something you'd see from the Medieval Ages. The background has many lush green mountains and trees, and the sun shines down. A stone-brick museum is ahead of me, and ahead of that is a rocket-shaped statue, with water coming out the exhaust. I rushed over to the rocket, standing on its platform. Something shiny was at my feet. It was a golden coin. I dipped my hand into the water, pulling it out.

I returned to Fierce Fox, and led her into the museum. It's the house of Mordred, or Binary Bard. There are plump, green chairs; tables with dusty books; cobwebs everywhere I turned. A guy with a purple hat and ginger beard stopped us from taking a single step.

"Admission is one gold coin. Come back when you can pay!" he said, snorting. "You can take this pamphlet, though." He handed me a pamphlet about the museum. I returned the favour by giving him the golden coin. He smirked. "Thank you. Feel free to look around." I nodded, then nudged Fierce Fox, pointing at an aged pile of books. She waddled over to it, holding out her thumb-less hand.

The man cleared his throat. "Sorry, the books must stay exactly as they are! I guess you can have this old library slip, though." He handed me an old library slip. I gestured Fierce Fox to follow me outside, which she did.

"Ready to visit the castle?" I asked, with a grin. "I'll explain the island on the way." Fierce Fox nodded, and we began our walk. "So, there's this guy called Mordred, or Binary Bard, who kidnapped the princess of the castle here, and took her to outer space. Our job is to rescue her, and we become knights. We also have to stop Mordred from taking over the galaxy."

"I see," Fierce Fox replied, as smoke twirled in the air. "Outer space? What, why? What's this Mordred guy's problem?"

I shrugged. "Mordred was banished from here a long time ago, and the princess joined a group loyal to him. Then the princess was abducted by aliens, who took her to Mordred."

Fierce Fox nodded. "Okay," she shifted her glance to ahead of us. "Is that where we're going?" The castle, or what's left of the castle stands there, shattered. Pieces of cobblestone litter the grass, smoke trails into the sky, and there's a flashing UFO crushed up on the floor. We opened the broken door, entering the castle. Inside is a bit better than outside, since the clean stairs are still intact, though crumbs of broken wall are lying around. I climbed a few flights of stairs, getting into the throne room, Fierce Fox behind me.

The throne room has parts of the wall missing; flags torn apart; smoke hovering gently. Fierce Fox and I approached the king and the queen, who stand near their grand and golden thrones. In the middle is a smaller throne, which I inferred belongs to the princess. The king and queen seemed blissful at our arrival.

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