PoptropiCon Part 2

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A long chapter, hooray XD

I woke up in a cage made of green energy. I was in some sort of room that had been partly destroyed - or very messed up. The walls had broken apart; there were old PoptropiCon decorations everywhere. I could see vents and pipes poking through the walls. The floor was covered in technological mess. There were lasers and security programs all around my cage. My cage was above ground, on rough, metal flooring. Everything felt stuffy and messy. It was stuffy and messy.

"Hello?" I called, looking around. There was no one around. I had no idea where Fierce Fox - or anyone else, for that matter - was. I wasn't sure how I'd ended up in this cage. I assumed Omegon had put me there. And I didn't know how to escape. I took a deep breath, and loudly cried for help. But nobody came. So I decided to take matters into my hands.

I touched the green, flowing lasers keeping me inside the cage. A sharp shock of pain made me lurch back.

"I should've expected that," I mumbled. I looked around and raised my voice. "Anyone?" Still no one came to my aid. I sighed. I searched the cage for something that could turn the lasers off. There was a big red button that could switch them off. Stealthily, I reached my hand out to the button. I hit my hand once, but continued trying. I pressed it eventually; the lasers disappeared. A terribly-designed cage, honestly.

Now that I was free I could gather my bearings. Beneath me was a swarm of lasers. Beside me was a swarm of lasers. There were lasers everywhere. So the cage design wasn't so terrible after all. In the original island, you need the weapons of the Mighty Action Force to help you escape. But I had no such things. I did have something, however.

I pulled out my necklace from the gods. Now seemed to be a good time to ask for help. Or at least a weapon. I tapped the shiny object around my neck and mentally called out for help. Nothing happened for a few moments. Then, suddenly, a golden bow and arrow appeared in my grip. I was stunned for a few moments. I didn't know how to use a bow. But this is Poptropica. You tend to be a natural at everything.

I fired a golden arrow at a power box. It destroyed a laser in my path, so I headed forward. I continued firing arrows at lasers. Soon, I was down onto the second level. That's when a golden shield appeared on my shoulder. A laser fired at it; the shield deflected it. It was like I had my own Mighty Action Force weapons. Another hot-pink laser came down from the ceiling; I deflected it with my shield. I was beginning to feel more hopeful. Thank the gods, I thought.

I found a vent near the end of the room. I entered it and crawled through; the grey walls creaked around me. I came into a basement-like room, full of shelves with canned food, toilet paper and more. There were a few people there: Tessa Turncoat, C.J, the male kid from before, and a few others I didn't recognize. No Fierce Fox.

"The Prophesied Hero!" Tessa Turncoat exclaimed, pointing at me. "You've escaped!"

"Yes," I replied, eyeing her strangely. I turned to C.J. "Where's Fierce Fox?"

"I have no idea," C.J answered. She looked uncomfortable. "I think... I think she's with the other humans taken by Omegon..."

I feel shock sail through my body. "Omegon has her," I repeated. I thought about what awful things could be happening to my Poptropican. I felt a mixture of anger and fear. "He won't have her for long."

"He has my dad, too!" C.J added, clenching her fists. "If you're going to save Fierce Fox, I'm coming too! I need to save my dad!"

"And my best friend!" the male kid squeaked. "Prophesied hero! I... I wanna help! I wanna save my friend!"

"Um..." I looked uncomfortable. "I don't know... about kids coming with me. Or you, C.J. I... I usually do this by myself." I sighed. "I just don't want anyone else to get hurt."

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