Reality TV

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The usual happened- Fierce Fox and I landed on Reality TV island, which is probably the most run-down island we had been on. In fact, we literally landed on a revolting dumpster, from which I quickly hopped down. Fierce Fox followed me to the front of the TV World shop, which is a little silver shop, filled with nothing but televisions... And satellites. Signs advertising the TVs are plastered all over the glass windows. I faced Fierce Fox.

"Now," I took a deep breath, getting an odd feeling. "This island is... A little different from the others."

"How so?" Fierce Fox asked, her brow raised.

I bit my lip. "Well, there's a little bit of stuff we have to do at the start... Then it's mini games for the entire island."

"Cool!" Fierce Fox cheered, with a grin. I shook my head.

"Well, unfortunately, it's more of a 'every person for themself' island," I explained. "So... we can't really work together on this."

"Oh..." Fierce Fox's eyes drooped. "Whatever. It doesn't feel like we're working together that much anyway. It... just feels like you're telling me what to do all the time... Like I'm your slave or something. Then you go and get lost and I have to save you."

I widened my eyes. "What? But... I know what to do! I have to tell you! And we do work together. Remember Super Power Island? We flew through that island! It would've been so much harder if-"

"Poptropicans are supposed to work alone," Fierce Fox interrupted me, holding up her hand. "That's how it works. You said it yourself. Maybe... It's better if we don't work together... We keep getting split up anyway."

"No! But I need you to help me go back to my world! I can't get the medallion like you can!" I cried, feeling horror twist my stomach. "Besides... We're friends now, right? You know what I've been through! Plus, everyone keeps saying we need to stick together!"

Fierce Fox curled her lip. "Hmm... Fine, we'll see how important it really is to stick together. If either of us can complete the island without the other's help, then we'll reconsider working together. But if we need each other..."

I shook my head. "But-"

"Good luck, Alice." Fierce Fox rushed off into the television shop, obviously trying to hide her perplexity, though it seemed to vanish pretty quickly. I shook my head. Where'd she get such ideas? I knew she wouldn't be able to complete the island without me... And I didn't want to split up. It didn't work that way. But what was I to do? I listened out for the woman's voice, yearning for some advice, but she wasn't there. So I sighed and entered TV World.

TVs are placed on wooden tables, near spiky, green plants. On the shiny, new TVs, a video of Balloon Boy shows. I smirked. Then, I climbed a few of the blue-floored layers, until I got to the top. A large TV is there, with a guy standing next to it.

"Try changing the channel." he said. So, I did just that, and an important address: 123 STAR AVENUE HOLLYWOOD, came up. Good, I thought. Then I exited the television store, seeing no signs of Fierce Fox. It seemed she was very serious about this splitting up business. It didn't give me any good feelings.

I headed into Mike's Market, which is a little green supermarket. I shoved some trolleys along the tiled floor, passing the icy freezer. I hopped over the Fresh Donut cupboard, and finally to the tabloid underneath it. But there was no guy- he was supposed to be clutching the tabloid. An eerie chill creeped up my spine.

I picked up the tabloid and peered inside. The contestant form had been taken out, much to my dismay. Had Fierce Fox already got it? But how did she... Fear tingled throughout my entire body. Was somebody hacking my account? How did Fierce Fox know how to do all this? A voice in my head told me something bad was going on, and I needed to stop whoever was telling Fierce Fox what to do.

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