Super Villain Island Part 2

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Minor character death warning!

Time Tangled Island didn't look much different from the previous time I visited. Party Time Tower is still there. So is the lab, except it's much calmer. I held out Mighty Penguin's address, scanning the words.

"Where's Back to the Future avenue?" I asked. I giggled at the terrible pun name. "Oh, wow." I ended up finding a bunch of apartments and houses beyond Party Time Tower. I moved as fast as I could- it was the end of the world, after all. Eventually I found Back to the Future avenue and headed down it. I stopped in front of number 12. It's a simple, small house with a brown roof and cream bricks. Sighing, I knocked on the door.

"Just a sec!" a familiar voice called from inside. I heard some rustling and someone stomping around. Then the door opened, revealing Mighty Penguin. He was back to his male self, wearing casual clothes. A baseball cap is slicked over his dark brown hair and he's wearing a dark blue hoodie. Grey pants are on his legs and he's wearing no shoes (as usual with Poptropicans).

Mighty Penguin's face lit up as he stared at me. "Hey, Alice! 'Bout time- get it, since we're on Time Tangled- you came over to visit!"

I shook my head. "I'm afraid I'm not here for a casual visit." I sighed. "I need your help with something major." I did a little awkward shiver, 'cause that's just what I do sometimes.

"Er, what's that?" Mighty Penguin asked, raising his brow.

"I need you to help me save the world." I replied, chewing my lip.

The next stop on the 'save the world' journey was to pick up Amelia. I was petrified- very- and my body felt cold. Yet I felt dashes of enthrallment, too. I was nervo-cited. Mighty Penguin was still a little perplexed, but he got the jist. He knew what we were doing and even helped me plan... a little. Though it didn't really have to do with saving the world, I asked him if he had a voice. He told me yes; it usually made him a 'background character' on islands for reasons he didn't know. I didn't reply.

We landed on Home Island. It felt odd going on a quest without Fierce Fox- like something was missing. And I felt worried, too. Is she okay? I really hoped so. Hades told me she's not dead, but what if she's injured and trapped? It made me uncomfortable to think about that.

"Hey, you alright?" Mighty Penguin asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah... just worried, that's all." I sighed. "Come on, let's get Amelia."

Amelia, thankfully, was rather optimistic. Well, she always is, even during a tragic event. I felt slightly jealous of this, since my feelings were so mixed and weird. But above all, I was nervous. So very nervous.

"Who's next, Alice?" Amelia asked enthusiastically.

I took a deep breath. "C.J from Shrink Ray Island."

C.J was still at school with her parents. She gave me a nod when she saw me and a wave at my friends.

"Hey, Alice," she greeted. "Thanks again for your help."

"No problem," I replied. "But now I need your help."

After C.J was Thomas Edison on Mystery Train Island. Zeus hadn't destroyed that island, thank everything. Thomas was still in Chicago, so we had to fly over there by plane. It was way quicker (and less mysterious) than taking the train. Thomas was by his stand and seemed quite happy to see me. I told him about the plans.

"Yes, I've heard of the gods on Mythology Island," Thomas commented. He frowned. "I don't normally go on islands like that. They... disturb me. But if it's for Poptropica, I'll do it."

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