Red Dragon

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I eyed the group of girls cautiously. My bullies were acting pretty weird, that's for sure. Especially Louisa, who was once the only person who looked past my leg and saw me- Alice. Now she'd become a creep, and whispered a lot with Chrissi and the other guys. I didn't know what they were talking about, but it didn't sound good. I'm not much of an eavesdropper (nor am I great at hiding), but today was an exception. I hid behind a nearby locker, where the weirdos were chatting.

"Look, if that stinkin' dragon doesn't get her, that shrink ray will." one guy hissed.

"Are you sure?" Louisa asked, her voice raspy.

"Yes, duh," a girl replied. "And other villains will be after her, won't they? I mean, that's what he wants."

"Ugh, this would be so much easier if his stupid brothers weren't watching over her like some overgrown bats," another guy complained. "If they weren't, he could get her straight away. But no. He has to rely on the mortals instead."

"Well, at least he has us," Chrissi said darkly. "I mean, when we're done with this, we'll become queens. She has no chance against us." She turned to Louisa. "You'll get revenge on what her dad did to your mom at last." Louisa nodded, her black hood shaking. I was shaking too. I did not like what they were talking about. I had a feeling they were talking about me, and possibly some dangerous people, hence the word 'mortals'. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. The bell rung just in time, pulling me in with the other students.

"Just a little more," I ordered, holding up my hands. Fierce Fox continued shoving the tire, her feet scraping along the green, grassy mountain. "We're nearly there." I held up my hand as a stop sign after another minute. We were underneath a large, tall tree, which carries a treehouse. It appears to be an ordinary treehouse, but this is Poptropica. Things aren't so ordinary.

I noticed a pair of red glasses on the ground, so I scooped them up. Then, using the tire, we bounced onto a ladder hanging down from the treehouse. We climbed up to the treehouse and entered.

"Who's in our tree house? You shouldn't be in here!" a young boy, Jack, shouted. He has dark, bushy hair; a striped shirt; a red backpack; blue pants; right at that moment, a scowl.

"Don't mind my brother. He's just cranky because he lost his glasses." a girl, Annie, said calmly. She has short, marigold hair in pigtails; a red shirt; a camera around her neck; blue pants; a smile. Both siblings have smaller faces than Fierce Fox and I, and are a tad shorter.

"You mean these glasses?" I asked, handing Jack the glasses I found. He put them on, and his frown vanished as he grudgingly thanked me.

"Great! We couldn't have gotten far in Japan without those." Annie said, with a grin.

"Annie, shh!" Jack hissed, glaring at her. I winked at Fierce Fox, and picked up a book at the left side of the treehouse, called Frog Creek.

"How does it work?" Fierce Fox asked Annie, as if they'd been talking for an hour.

"Pick up that book and we'll show you!" Annie answered, a book magically appearing on a windowsill. Fierce Fox reached over and picked it up, scanning the words Old Japan. Annie grinned. "Just look at it and say, 'I wish we could go there'!" As soon as she said that, I crawled into a little ball.

Fierce Fox said, "I wish we could go there." Suddenly, the house began to vibrate, and little sparks of magic flew around. It began to lurch forward. Fierce Fox ducked in shock while the kids laughed. If you want to know what it felt like, it's basically like being in a plane when it's moving really fast, ready to take off.

"Wow, what a ride!" Fierce Fox cried, when we arrived at Old Japan. The treehouse appears similar to Frog Creek. However, there are a few more beams of sunlight, and little yellow butterflies float around. We exited the treehouse and climbed down the ladder. The siblings were dressed in kimonos, which have floral patterns.

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