17: Jason ✔️

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Having your mate in your arms can be defined by pure bliss.

 My angel knew about the supernatural world, it was relief in a way. But to say that I was shocked was an understatement. I had hoped that she already knew but a part of me felt like it should have been us to tell her, not him.

Castiel was looking at me in the eyes, for what reason I don't know. But I'm not gonna lie and say that I didn't like it, in fact I loved it. She may not realize this but while she is looking at my orbs I'm also looking into hers, and let me tell you she has the most gorgeous pair of eyes I've ever seen. They look so pure and have that special glint in them, specially when she smiles. I love her smile. And her laugh. And her cute giggles, and I also love it when she scrunches her nose when she cringes at something, it's cute and funny. She's perfect. 

Various minutes have passed and we still haven't changed our positions. Suddenly a grin broke in my face. She is not scared nor mad, she's still here. She unconsciously smiled softly back until she snapped from her trance. "We are mates?" She asked softly again. I replied with a nod while taking her hand in mine and smiling down at her. She gasped. 

"The sparks." She mumbled cutely. I let out a chuckle while my wolf was jumping inside me, happy that our mate acknowledged the mate bond. She smiled. "Well now that you know everything I want to ask you a favor." I said with a serious face. She frowned and started wiggling out of my lap, to which I didn't allow her to. I pulled her back to me and tightened my hold on her. 

"This may sound extreme but my parents happen to be the Queen and the King of the Werewolf World, I was supposed to be crowned King when I turned 18 but, because of recent events I'm being crowned at the end of the week, and I know that this is a like to take in but I would love if you were able to be there, with me." She froze at my request.

 Silence filled the room. "At the castle? Who will be there? What events?" She asked. 

"Yes at the castle, I can pick you up if you want. All the packs of all around the world will be there, along side with some messengers of the Moon Goddess and Leaders of other supernatural creatures. About your last question, we are not quite sure yet, let's just say that my father was possessed by a demon, but don't worry he's completely normal now, apparently two guys came in and saved everyone. We think that they were sent from the Moon Goddess as a message that it was time to pass the legacy." I answered her. I didn't expect however to see the mortified expression that rested on her face. She even looked pale. "Castiel are you okay?" I asked concerned now. I brushed some hairs away from her face. She shook her head and replied.

"I'm sorry but I can't go." I frowned.

 "Why? Is it because of the demon thing? It's all solved don't worry. Or is it because of the amount of people? I'll be there with you." I said trying to convince her. I want my parents and pack to officially meet her. ~

"N-no, it's just I have stuff to do" She replied looking away. Okay that was obviously a lie. I cupped her face with my hands gently. 

 "Castiel look at me please" I pleaded softly. She complied and looked me in the eye, if she wasn't my mate and human, it would have been taken as a challenge. "Please do it, for me." I begged her. She just kept staring at me. 

"I'll think about it." She answered lowly. I nodded, she will at least consider it. "I should go back home now, Maria is probably worried it's getting late." She said suddenly. No! It's way too soon! I wanted to say, but instead I replied with a small 'Okay.'

 "I'll see you tomorrow at school." She said getting up. I got up as well and started following her like a lost puppy. She went upstairs to say goodbye to Tommy, who may I add, was as sad that she was leaving as me. I guided her to the door and hugged her. I hugged her as if the world was about to end to which she giggled. As 'a final touch' I kissed her on the forehead once, twice, three times. She blushed as a response. I watched her car drive away from the pack house perimeter, my heart aching. 

"Stop being a wuss." I mumbled to myself. I closed the door and went to my room. Turning the light on I started packing my schoolbag for tomorrow, that was until I noticed a note laying on my bed.

'29 days to go'

A growl ripped out of my chest and I let Basil take over. We shifted and started trashing the room. Lamps being thrown at the wall as well my secretary table, but that one brought attention of outsiders. Axel entered in the room. "Jason calm down." I growl at him.

 "Alpha think of Castiel would she like to see you like this?" He said more cautelously. Basil whimpered at the mention of our mate. I decided then to shift back, and throw on some clothes.

 "Get Melinda in the dungeons!" I roared.

 "Calm down and tell me what happened." He's trying to be rational. This is why I'm pointing him out as my future Beta.

 "That bitch left this note in my room, in my bed." I yelled while shoving the piece of paper into his chest. He read and looked at me with a confused expression. "Two days ago she threatened me saying that she asked the Elders to summon the Moon Goddess to 'punish' Castiel because of the 'lack of respect' that she showed to Tiffany when my mate humiliated and threatened her in front of the whole school. She said that she can call it off if I stopped interacting with Castiel and that is not an option, obviously. The punishment will occur in 29 days." I explained. He started understanding my rage and even growled deeply at the threat that bitch made. His wolf already started seeing Castiel as his Luna and Queen. He's getting protective and that made me proud. "Castiel knows that we are werewolves." I dropped the bomb right after.

 Axel looked at me with eyes wide open. "How did she react? Did you tell her?" He asked with an almost unnoticeable smile. "She already knew about the supernatural world, and she also had her suspects about us being werewolves, I only confirmed it and told her that we were mates, which she also reacted positively." I said with a soft smile, forgetting about Melinda the bitch for a second.

 "Congrats bro!" He said patting my back. I nodded at him as a 'thank you'. Then I looked at the piece of paper that was in his hand and rage filled me in again.

"Now, get Melinda in the dungeons and meet me there."

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