24: Castiel ✔️

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As soon as his lips met mine, an explosion of emotions erupted inside me. I've never been kissed before, I didn't know what to do, so I simply followed my instincts and moved my lips back, tasting him, his soft lips the right wetness of his mouth as his teeth ever so softly touched my lower lip. After a few seconds we pulled apart and I looked at him in the eyes with a blush endearing my cheeks.

"Hi." I said looking at him shyly from my lashes.

"Hi." He grinned with his eyes full of care.

Then Madison interrupted us, again, and hurried Jason to move faster, to which he didn't reply, he just kept gazing at me with his deep blue orbs.

"We should probably go" I replied looking at the ground, suddenly feeling guilty for taking his attention away from his duty.

"We should, but we will definitely talk about this later though." He said with a small grin, to which I muttered a small okay before starting walking towards the stage.

After a few minutes of walking through the ball room filled with people from different corners of the world we finally arrived to the big stage that was fully set up and waiting for Jason to jump on.

"I've got to go now, will you be okay? I reserved a place for you on the first row, next to the Elders." He rushed worried.

"Go. I'll be fine, I'm here for you. Go, your kingdom awaits you remember?" I reassured him and teased him at the same time.

He took a deep breath and pecked my lips softly before caressing my right cheek letting his finger trail to the side of my neck, every touch of his leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

"Be safe" Jason whispered before leaving towards the long deep red curtain that hid a staircase that led to the stage.

I sighed, watching him go before turning on my heels and walking towards the seats that had a small golden plaque resting on top of the velvet cushioned chairs, as Jason had mentioned, my seat was on the first row, right in the middle, allowing me to see clearly what was going on the podium in front of me. As soon as I seated a dark figure appeared new to me.

"That was quite the show." His deep and powerful voice said.

"You could have looked away, not my fault that you are an old pervert." I replied back irritated.

"Don't take it the wrong way, I was just surprised to see the big and powerful Angel on Fire get so defenseless around a boy, it was almost as if you had melted, pardon my irony." He chuckled bitterly.

"What do you want Clarence? I thought that your issues were to be solved with my Father not with me." I sighed tired of his fake chit-chat.~

"Little old me? Nothing really..." He said mischievously.

"-I can't however say the same thing about young Melinda, did you know that she's in the pack dungeons? What an awful treatment don't you think?" He continued looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

His words made instantly freeze. Melinda was arrested? When? And most importantly, why?

"It's a shame really. Everything she did was with the best interests at heart, genuinely." He kept on going.

"Attention everyone! It's with a great honor that I greet all of you in this wonderful night. First of all I'd like to welcome you into my kingdom and thank you all for being present on such important event as this one -" Tobias, Jason father, started his speech but I soon tuned him out when a certain pest beside me whispered.

"Would you like to know what she did Miss Morningstar?"

I nodded not taking my eyes of the stage.

"Let's just say that she messed with someone important to the young wolf, you should ask him honestly, I don't even know how I dared to tell you all of this." His whisper was dripping with sarcasm and distaste.

"And now I present you the new King of the Werewolf World and Alpha of the Royal Pack, my only son, Jason Silva!" The voice of the old king boomed through the ball before a thunder of applauses erupted in the huge and sophisticated space.

My eyes followed Jason's figure through every movement he made, the way his eyes shined, his smile was nervous but reassuring at the same time, his smile seemed to grow when the heavy looking golden crown was placed on top of his head. I don't know for how long I was staring at him but it seemed like he felt my gaze on him and his eyes started to search in the crowd until we finally locked eyes. I mouthed him a small "congratulations" to which he smiled harder before mouthing a "thank you" while walking towards the microphone.

"Good evening everyone, I hope you are all enjoying yourselves on this special night. I'll cut short this speech because I know most of you are tired and want to head to your respective dinning halls." The crowd laughed at his small joke before urging him to go on.

"I just want to take a moment to really appreciate and thank your presence on one of the most important days of my life. I'm your King now, and I'm aware that with that title, many other responsabilities come along with it, but here's my promise to thee, I will do my best to not let you down, I promise to protect your lives and the ones that you care the most. And above all I want you to be able to trust me as your King, we are great species by ourselves; however we are even greater when together, therefore more powerful when we trust one another. I know I'm young and I know that I'll make mistakes, but I will always make sure that I'm following my promises, and I know that because not only do I have an incredible family to support me but a beautiful and strong mate by my side. Once again I'm grateful for you to hear me, I hope you enjoy the rest of the night. Thank you."

Everyone was applauding and cheering at the new king, there wasn't a single dull face in the ball room, except of course for the annoying Elder that sat next to me.

"That was beautiful, really. I might have shed a tear or two" Clarence said sarcastically.

I simply rolled my eyes to him and started to get up to look for Jason. I got up patted the skirt of my dress gracefully and started walking towards the curtain, from where, seconds later, Jason emerged with his dad and a few other men that I didn't recognize, I met his eyes and smiled at him before speeding my footsteps towards him. Everything was going great until an old rugged hand turned me around and whispered in my ear "27 days" I looked at Clarence confused before noticing his focus on the person behind me. I peaked over my shoulder and noticed Jason, now alone, staring at us. I looked back at Clarence but he was gone, leaving me and Jason by ourselves in the middle of the gigantic room.

"What did he want?" Jason asked curiously and concerned.

I was about to tell him when Clarence words rang inside my head "you should ask him honestly". So I decided against my initial thought and replied calmly:

"Nothing, nothing at all."

A/N: I bet you weren't expecting an update. It's currently 1:13 AM but it was totally worth it. Have a great day/night guys!

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