"I Never Knew" (Part III)

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"What do you mean? You're leaving?" Betty spoke. "My parents are sending me to New York to live with my uncle. They said stay here because of what we discovered about Jason" I said.

"But you can't leave. You've been here for so long, you met friends. They can't take that away from you" Veronica said.

"I tried. I tried to change their mind, but it's fixed. There's nothing I can do" I said, a tear left my eye.

"Oh Y/N" they cooed and went to hug me. "We'll miss you" Veronica said.

"Who else knows?" Betty asked. "You two" I answered.

"I'll probably tell Archie and Kevin soon" I sobbed. "What about Jug?" Ronnie said.

"He'll be the last person to know" I whispered.

When the bell rang, they gave me one last hug before they ran to class.

I'm not attending class today so once again, I found myself locks in the room, playing games on my phone and going through social media.

I sighed when I saw I was running low of battery.

"Crap" I mumbled. I searched for my charger in my bag and plugged it to the wall.

Since it'll charge faster if I'm not using it, I simply sat on the floor, next to my phone and sighed.

I never thought of how Jug would feel if I tell him I'm leaving.  What would he say? What would he do? Will he hate me?

Will he end our friendship?

By the time the second bell rings, I waited for about five minutes before unplugging my phone and ran to class. I purposely skipped two classes already.

My next class is History. We'll be talking about World War II.

I rushed inside the room and immediately found and empty seat in front. When the teacher wasn't looking, I took the seat and put my bag down, pretending I was there this whole time.

"So can anyone tell me something about the Holocaust?" the teacher asked.

I raised my hand, "The Holocaust was Adolf Hitler's way of punishing the Jews. He trapped them behind wires and soon started experimenting them through various chemicals, or kill them"

"Very good" he said and continued lecturing them.

By the corner of my eye, I saw Jughead looking at me, curiousitu filled his eyes. I gave him a small one before focusing on the teacher again.

When class was over, Jughead was the first to leave the room. I don't know why but I purposely stayed behind and pretended to fix my bag or something.

I watched as the teacher left the room before I grabbed my bag and was about to leave the room if it weren't for Jughead, who blocked me.

"What's up with you today? You skipped two classes" Jughead whispered. "How'd you know about that?" I asked.

"Veronica told Archie, and Archie told me" Jughead says.

"What exactly did Veronica tell Archie?" I asked. "That you skipped classes" he shrugs.

I narrowed my eyes at him before sighing and turned away. "Things have been... So hard for me these past few days" I admitted.

"What kind of things?"

"My parents are going me to leave" I thought. "Mom and dad were fighting a few nights ago... I think they're going to get divorce" I lied.

My parents barely fight. I just had to think of a lie.

"Oh Y/N" Jughead cooed and pulls me in his arms. "Don't worry. You're parents will be fine. If you ever need a place to stay, my place is always open for you" he offers.

I've slept in his house countless of nights. And he's slept over in mine as well.

Dad and FP are friends too, even though FP is a serpent, dad still treats him as his brother. It wasn't a shock that their kids turned out to be best friends too.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind" I nod.

Jughead wraps an arm around me and leads me to class.

*Time Skip*

During lunch, Jughead says he won't be coming to school in the afternoon because of some serpent emergency. Veronica and Betty dragged me, Archie and Kevin to Pop's so that I'll explain everything to them.

Of course, by drag, I mean literally. They held my arm and yanked me to the 24-hour shop.

"Ugh! You guys have really strong grips" I complained, seeing their hand marks on my arm. "You were resisting" Betty answered. "That's why I said “I don't want to go” millions of times, right?" I sassed.

"Okay... Sassy Y/N means bad mood Y/N. What the hell happened?" Kevin spoke.

I opened my mouth to answer but Veronica spoke, "Mr and Mrs L/N are sending Y/N to New York"

I glared at her. "This was suppose to be my story, right?"

"Sorry" she apologized. "God, if you weren't my friend I wouldn't aimed you with a gun already!" I screamed.

"So moving on...." Archie mumbles. "You're parents are sending you away?"

"Yeah, dumbass. They said this place is too “unsafe” and “unhealthy” for me" I said, completely mocking my own mother, rolling my eyes in the end.

"Son of a-- This place is unhealthy for you? You've been living here since we were kids!" Kevin said.

"Yeah. And you really can't do anything to change their minds because it's final. They already bought my ticket to New York" I mumbled.

Someone suddenly slammed their hands on the table. "You're leaving?" I looked up and saw the red haired Cheryl Blossom.

She scoffed, "Move it orphan Anne" she yanks Betty away and sits beside me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You two aren't even friends, why would she tell you?" Betty sassed. "Stuff it" Cheryl glares at the blonde before turning her attention to me.

"Why didn't you say anything?" she asks. "Because I can't do anything about it" I shrugged.

"No way. We're gonna talk to your parents and tell them you're staying" she encourages the group.

"That's not gonna work. Their main reason is Jason's death. That's why they wanted me to leave" I pointed out. Cheryl pouts.

"Why are you suddenly interested in helping us?" Veronica speaks up. "Because I like Y/N.... Not you losers" Cheryl shrugs.

"The Cheryl Blossom is into Y/N L/N?" Archie laughs.

"Why wouldn't I be? I've been admiring here since grade school" Cheryl wraps an arm around me. "And you kept it to yourself all these years?" Kevin asks.

"Hello?! Girl moving away here!" I said.

"Seriously guys. Thanks for trying, but I really can't stay" I sighed.

"But what about Jughead?" Betty mumbled.


Okay hey!!!

The next part will be about Y/N explaining her new situation to Jughead and her leaving Riverdale.


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