Serpent Life [Part 3]

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It's been two weeks since Jughead and I kissed. We don't really know what we are now. There are times when we would constantly flirt with each other and hold hands but other than that, we don't really know how to label ourselves.

Toni teased us about it, telling us that we should have sex already. We did made out inside of school in front of her. She simply smirked at us and joked that she has free porn.

Since the day me Jughead and I met, I haven't told him I'm the only one who has a proper conversation with his father. And I'm planning to tell him now.

It's just another normal day here at Southside High. Students parting ways when they saw me. I mentally sighed and smiled when I saw Jughead laying against my locker.

"Hola!" I greeted him and pecked his lips. He smiled and stepped aside and I opened my locker.

"Any plans after school today?" I asked him after taking my History notebook. "Nope. Wanna go to Pop's or something?" he asked.

"That'll be great! But let's make a quick stop somewhere" I said. "Uh yeah sure" he nods his head, "Where?"

"Somewhere... It's hard to explain" I closed my locker and face him. "Just meet me outside by my motorbike okay?" I said. I placed my hands on his shoulder and pecked his lips again before running to class.

Jughead's POV

I watched as Y/N took off. I smiled while lightly shaking my head. I walked to my class and sighed when the bell rang for the second time.

Late. Late again.

I ran towards the other side of the building and barged inside. The teacher looks at me while shaking his head.

I nod and gave him a salute before sitting down. During class, I fell asleep as usual.

I found myself looking around the room. The walls are painted white with no windows or doors. Just a plain white room.

There was a table in the middle of the room and a lightly having above. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

While turning around the room and trying to figure out where am I and why I'm here, I suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting on the chair in front of the table.

After blinking my eyes a couple of times, I figured out it's my father. FP Jones.

"Dad?" I asked in shock. He stands up with a smile, "Hey"

I sighed, tears filling my eyes as I gave him a hug. He hugged back while patting my back.

"Dad? Dad, oh God!" I said. "I'm here Jughead" he whispered. "Where... Where are we? A-Are you coming home?" I asked.

Dad pulls away to look at me. He opens his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a sudden sound of someone slamming against a wood.


I jolt up from my seat, heavy breathing. I looked around to find myself in the classroom. It's already empty. I turn and saw Y/N giving me a small smile.

"You okay?" she asked before groaning, "I told you not to sleep in class anymore" Y/N then slaps my shoulder while laughing a bit.

"S-Sorry Y/N" I said after picking up my bag. "It was just a joke" she mumbled.


"Huh?" Y/N asks, "“Dad”?"

"Sorry... I had a dream. I was in a room. No one was there, nothing was there except a table and a chair... I kept turning around until I saw my father... My own father sitting in front of me" Jughead said, "He hugged me"

I felt Y/N tense beside me. She looks around the hallway and ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it a bit.

"Maybe that's a sign that you'll be seeing your dad soon" she smiles at me. She hugs me side and kissed my cheek.

*Time Skip*

"Why are we in jail?" I asked her after taking off my helmet. I got up from Y/N's motorbike. "Are we going to bail your brother out of jail again?" I sighed.

Y/N laughs at me. "No. (Y/B/N)'s at home, he's fine" she told me. "I actually wanted you to see someone. You haven't actually seen him in a while" she held my hand and led me inside the building.

We took a few turns before we stopped in front of a room. "I think it's best if you go inside alone" she said. I looked through the small hole through the door before looking at her again. "Why? What's inside?"

"More like a who's inside. You know him, and from what you told me earlier in class I think you two are gonna need some alone time" Y/N opened the door and pushed me inside.

Flashbacks came to me once I saw the room.

A plain white room....

I looked at the chair in front of me to see my father. "D-Dad?" I mumbled.

"Hey Jug" he replied with a smirk. I sighed and gave him a tight hug, which he returned. "Oh my God! Dad! How did... How did Y/N knew?" I asked him.

"After Joaquin left town, Y/N's the only one who has access to me. She's the only one who's able to talk to me and see me in jail" dad replied.

I didn't even realize that tears are leaving my eyes. "Dad... I miss you so much"

Dad smiled and kissed my forehead. "Me too kiddo. Me too"

We hugged each other again and when I looked through the hole, I saw Y/N smiling at me. I mouthed, "Thank you"

She nods at me. Dad must've seen us because he pulled away. He motioned for Y/N to come inside the room. She did and hugged dad.

When they pulled away Dsd started teasing us. "So... Are you two, like, a thing now?"

Y/N turns away while brushing madly. "Oh God" I whispered.



This is the end of this series, hope you guys love it!


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