Failed Proposal? [Part 3]

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Failed Proposal? [Part 3]:

Nikhad's POV

It's been two days since mine and Juggie's anniversary. I was seriously sock for the past two days that I couldn't even grab my phone and send him a text saying I didn't forget our anniversary and what not.

I can't even leave the room because I was feeling so weak and fragile. I cough every minute, I sneeze every minute, and I puke like thrice a day!

Fuck! Why didn't I bring an umbrella three nights ago???

I opened my eyes at the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Come in!" I tried shouting but it only came out as a squeak. I lost my voice while I was coughing because I was half screaming as well.

The door opened and my siblings, plus the whole gang and FP entered. I gave them a small wave and smiled when Polly placed a tray of food on my lap.

"How are you?" she asked me. "Good" I manage to squeak out.

They giggled at my helpless state which earned a glare from me. I looked at the food on my lap which is consist of waffles, bacon and juice.

"Thanks guys" I told them, clearing my throat after.


"Fuck!" I cursed and grabbed a tissue from the box beside me. "Why don't you eat breakfast? It may help you feel better" Betty suggested.

I looked down and notice a newspaper. I flipped it open to see a blue sticky note attached to the top.

Go to page 8.


I narrowed my eyes in confusion but flipped it to page right anyways.

There I saw an article titled Failed Proposal?

People say love is the most amazing feeling in the world. Some say love is horrible and cheesy. But for me, Jughead Jones, love is everything. It's unexplainable unless you feel it yourself.

To be honest, I never believed in love when I was young. With the lack of my parents' attention, I was heartless. But when I met my best friend, everything changed.

Nikhad Cooper. The famous Girl Next Door's sister. We met when she unintentionally pushed me off the swing when we were kids. Mine and Nikhad's friendship feels more special than both of our friendship with Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews.

For years we were stuck in the friend zone, completely unknown with the spark we were feeling for each other. We were kids, we do stupid and crazy things and we are clueless with love.

We act like a couple even when we were still best friends. Others ask if there's something going on between us.

This lasts for a long time. Until our friends set us up.

It was am epic date but it ended with us confessing our feelings.

Nine years. It's been nine years and we're happy as ever.

Nikhad is my rock, she's my everything. She keeps me sane. She helps me see the positive things in life when I was about to give up. She convinced me to talk to I'm dad and forgive him for not always being there for me.

Words can't explain how lucky I am to have her in my life. We've faced so many problems and with each problem, I was expecting her to give up and walk out of my life. But she didn't. She stayed strong for me, for us.

Nikhad Copper. Thank you so much for giving me everything. You're everything that I ever wanted.

I've been keeping this secret for two weeks now but I never had the courage to ask you.

Archie literally kicked me ass and gave me one of handling speeches just to give me the strength to ask you this.

Nikhad, you're my best friend, my lover, my rock, my sun to my darkest days. You're my everything. I love you so much and I am willing to do anything for you.

Will you marry me?

I started tearing up while reading the article.

I whimpered while wiping my tears away. I looked at the others to see them smiling at me. Then they stepped aside and I saw Jughead standing there, a bouquet of (your favorite flowers) in hand.

"For you" he gives me the flowers but Betty stepped forward. "I'll put them in a vase downstairs" she said and left.

The others stood by the door, watching us with huge smiles not hear faces.

Jughead kneels down in front of me and takes my hand. He pulls out a small velvet box and opened it. There sat a diamond ring shaped in a heart.

"Yes!! Yes Jughead! Of course I'll marry you" I croaked out and hugged him tight. "I love you"

Jughead wraps his arms around me. "I love you too baby girl"

The others clapped and cheered around us. Cheryl and Veronica immediately claimed who gets to arrange the wedding, Betty claiming she'll be the maid of honor, Archie claiming to be the best man, Polly claiming to be one of the brides maids.

We laughed as they all started arguing.

Jughead and I watched them with smiles on our faces. Jughead turns my head and placed his lips on mine.


Okay this is the final part for this imagine.

Hope you guys like it!

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