01 | audition

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2 years later

"Liz, Liz, Liz, Liz, Liz! Oh my god, Liz!"
I sighed and turned around to face my best friend, Paris who shared a rented apartment with me. When I first entered college last year, I figured I'd never be able to pay the rent of the apartment on my own, so I agreed to share with someone, half expecting a creepy dude or a weird girl as a roommate. You never know. And Paris Holland was weird, sure, but in the best way possible. And she quickly filled the void my former best friend had left in my heart by becoming my closest friend and confidante on and off campus.

"Now what is it, Ris? Did you kiss Channing Tatum? Or did you shake hands with the Beatles?"
Paris rolled her eyes, her dark blonde hair all over the place. But the ecstatic grin never left her face.

"No, silly! But guess what?"


"Kiara Black is coming to Ashville to shoot for her new film Save Yourself !"

"What? You must be kidding me!"

"No! I read the news on her offcial website, so there can be no mistakes in this! She's coming here, Liz, and finally you'll have your chance!"

My smile dropped at that. I'd always wanted to be an actor. It had been my secret ambition since god knows when. I was studying English Literature at college, and sure I liked it, but my heart and soul would always be with being an actress. But now the chances seemed slim. Why would an Oscar-winning director like Kiara Black choose to take me, an amateur, and cast me in her new film? Fat chance, and I wasn't going to risk the setback of auditioning but not getting the part and being miserable about it.

"I dunno, Ris, I don't think I should try out. I doubt I'll get any part, let alone the lead. It's Kiara Black after all."

Paris narrowed her eyes at me, her brown irises giving me a knowing look. "Nuh-uh, Liz. You're not getting away that easily from me. I know what you're trying to do, you escapist. Unfortunately for you, I know all your tactics by now, and I won't let you let go of your dream that easily. The auditions start this Monday, and you're going right on the first day itself."

My eyes widened in horror. "No way! What will I do? How will I act? I haven't practised, for Christ's sake! How am I supposed to be audition ready in 4 days? That's crazy!"

Paris gave me a deadpan look. "You think you need any prep? You are a natural actress, Elizabeth Shrader Townsend, and I'm not going to let you waste your talent like this. You could win an Oscar for all we know."

I let out a humourless laugh. "Yeah right. In my dreams."

"No, seriously. You're that good. Trust me. Now you will do as I say and go for that audition. Before that we must buy you some new clothes for the special day. So you're going shopping with me tonight!" she finished with a happy smile.

Her grin was so contagious that I couldn't help but smile back, although deep inside my stomach was churning at the thought of shopping and that audition.

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