27 | trailer launch

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(A/N: as you can see I've given titles to all chapters. But let me clear one thing up. These names don't necessarily correlate with the chapter content. Some do, but most don't. They actually symbolise, in sequential order, the procedure of filming and releasing a movie. The sequence may be inaccurate, so please forgive any technical errors since I've never shot or seen the shooting of a film.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to @nanaramos21 for voting and commenting on every chapter. Thanks for sticking with this book till now! xx)

"And here's to the newest and sweetest couple in Hollywood! To Tyler and Liz! May you two be together forever!"

Glasses clinked as everybody raised a toast to us at the Club House dinner. I blushed and smiled as Kiara grinned at us warmly. Everybody congratulated us as Tyler knelt down to whisper in my ear.

"Did they always ship us this hard?"

I laughed lightly. "You have no idea."

He slipped a hand through mine, under the table, and gripped it tightly. I smiled at the gesture.

The dinner ended at around ten. The club house had been free of paparazzi, which was a relief. Kiara had specifically told the manager not to let the unwelcome guests in.

We all bade each other goodbye after the dinner was done. This time, I didn't feel that sad because we'd meet again at the premiere and promotions and other screenings. It was going to be a long journey from here.

The trailer launch had already taken place a few days back. There had been a few hundred reporters and other guests swarming and I'd been bombarded with questions about my professional and personal life. But nevertheless, I'd enjoyed my first sort-of red carpet appearance and the trailer had garnered a lot of praise, so that was an added benefit.

As we exited the club house, everybody got into their cars and left the scene. After tonight, most of the cast and crew would return to their respective homes (mostly LA), even Kiara. Only Tyler and I would stay back till the promotions began, and then we'd have to travel to LA for the entire proceedings to begin.

Tyler suddenly took my hand out of the blue and steered me towards my car. We'd both arrived in my car earlier and would also leave together  so I didn't understand why he dragged me somewhere I was going to go anyway.

I frowned. "I was coming here anyway. Why did you have to drag me?"

"No, no, you don't understand. I'll be driving your car."

"But why? I can drive pretty okay myself, thank you."

"Don't you trust me?"

"Well, of course I do, but--"

"No buts. I'm driving and that's it."

He got into the driver's side as I got into the shotgun seat. He began driving.

"Why did you do this?"

"Don't distract the driver while he's driving."

I rolled my eyes and turned away to look out of the window. I gave up questioning him since I could see I wasn't going to get any satisfactory answer. But I had a feeling he was doing this all for a reason, and the reason was related to our date. I didn't say that out loud, in case I disappointed him that I'd figured out his genius cover up. Note the sarcasm.

I sighed internally as I waited for the journey to end.

I'd almost dozed off when I heard the car engine finally come to a stop. I jerked up and looked at our surroundings. Then I looked at Tyler.

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