08 | scene 1

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I couldn't shake off the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach as I got up in the morning. Today was the day filming commenced. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I'd never been in front of the camera before and I didn't want to look like a fool beside the other seasoned actors, especially Tyler.
I'd gone back to my parents' house for the weekend to visit them before shooting started. My mom made a special breakfast of pancakes drenched in maple syrup, fried eggs and ham sandwiches, along with salad and freshly pressed orange juice. I gobbled it all up, then chided her, "Mom, don't plan on making me fat already, even before I've begun shooting!"
My mom chuckled. "You ate the whole thing in 15 minutes flat and now you're scolding me?"
I smiled sheepishly at that.
My parents knew the deal with Tyler of course. They'd also been upset with him when he left us. He was as much of a son to them as I was a daughter, and vice versa with Tyler's parents. My mom and dad were shocked over Tyler's career choice and a little bit hurt that he didn't keep in touch anymore, but they sort of understood him and said it must be difficult in the industry, and that's why he couldn't call us. I call that bullcrap.
If Tyler wanted he could've easily kept contact with us. It wasn't that much of a big deal. I would never forgive him for what he did, or more fittingly, what he didn't do.
Anyway, Paris had also come over to wish me luck. After everything was done she and I hopped on to my Volkswagen and sped off.
On reaching the set near the hotel, I got off while Ris just gaped at the actors walking in front of her, carrying cups of coffee. I flicked my fingers on her face. "Hey, stop drooling for once and wish me luck!"
Ris regained her composure and hugged me tightly. "You go, girl. You'll kill it today, and everyday, I know. And show Tyler who's the boss, ok?"
I laughed at that and kissed her cheek. She really was a true friend of mine. She then smiled eagerly at me. "While you're at it, don't think you can arrange for a meeting between me and all the other actors, do you?"
I slapped her arm playfully and said, "Maybe later." Then she got off my car and headed towards college.
I walked over to Kiara and announced my arrival. She smiled and hugged me before giving me a cup of coffee. "Most of my cast is half asleep because I dragged them here so early. So I figured some caffeine in your system will help."
I smiled. "No thanks, Kiara. I don't really like coffee, and I'm wide awake anyways. I feel so excited and nervous!"
She laughed and said there was nothing to be nervous about. I just had to be myself and not get pretentious. I nodded. I could manage that.
Suddenly I spotted Tyler come out of a tent set up near the camera. He held a cup of tea in his hands. Hah. He always preferred tea to coffee. Another similarity with me.
Old habits die hard, I guess.
I quickly glanced away when he spotted me staring at him. My cheeks started colouring. He smirked and walked over to me.
"That affected by my morning look?"
I resisted the urge to slap him.
"Yes, I've got a gag reflex." He rolled his eyes at me.
"Not lying now, are we?"
"Not for a moment," I replied in a heartbeat.
Kiara watched our bickering with amusement. "Did you always fight like cats and dogs when you knew each other before?"
I stopped myself from spitting out, yes, yes we did, but it was all good-natured and we cared for each other immensely then. Now it's not that way anymore.
Instead I smiled at her, "He just brings out the serial killer in me."
Tyler snorted. "You couldn't come up with a lamer comeback."
"At least I came up with something, whereas you on the other hand..." I trailed off.
He glared at me and started walking away.
I spoke to him in a low tone so that only he would hear.
"Yeah, walk away like the coward you are, that's what you're good at anyway. Walking away like there was nothing to stay for."
Tyler stopped and turned around, his eyes blazing green. "What did you say?"
"You heard me."
He strode towards me again. "Don't you dare insult me in front of my co-stars, you b---"
"I would watch what you say next, Mr I-only-care-about-my-reputation. As it is, your character goes missing and is suspected to be murdered, we don't want that happening in real life too."
Tyler inched back from my menacing eyes, glaring at me. "This isn't over."

I sighed and looked at my watch. No, this won't be over for a long, long time.

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