a/n (new book)

9.5K 181 42

Hey there, guys.

I'll begin by thanking each and every one of you who read this story, tapped that little orange star and commented on it. Thank you for making my day, thank you for making me smile, but most of all, thank you for giving me and my story a chance.

I'll not write a sequel to this. Mainly because I like how it's ended, neither sad nor happy, but a little bitterweet, a little hopeful. Even a bit open ended. It's up to you to interpret how the rest of it will go, whether Liz will win Tyler back, or whether she won't be as lucky as he was the first time. Let your imagination run wild and free. I won't spoil it.

I'd also like to say that this story will always be special to me, because it was the first story I wrote on wattpad and the first story which so many people around the world read. Of course, it's nothing compared to the millions of reads you usually see in a popular wattpad book, but for me, almost a couple thousand is a huge deal.

But, at the same time, i can't say i loved this story. It began as a sudden idea i had in the shower (yeah, typical place, i know) and before i knew it, i was typing it down amd publishing it. I liked it at the beginning, and i still do, but it didn't satisfy me as an author. I feel i can do much better than this. And i realised that midway but still wanted to complete the story and do it full justice, as I'd intended.

I thought I'd finish it during the summer break, but what with projects and tests, writing took a backseat and i ended up being four months too late! But still, now I've completed this and i'm glad i have, because i was eager to write it fast and i have a new story in mind which is going to be much better than this.

Edit (as of Dec 2019): So let's come to my new story:

The Rest Is History

I've already posted the description and the first few chapters, so do check it out! But there'll be slow updates because of academic pressure, plus i don't want to keep the book pending midway like i did with Play Pretend. So I'll either write the whole book and then post the rest of the chapters, or write most of it and then resume posting.

The short summary of my new story is here:

Bloomwood Preparatory is a prestigious boarding school in London. To get in, you must be incredibly talented or incredibly rich- preferably both. And if you do get in, you're elite. In every sense of the word.

In such a world, where the millionaires and prodigies call the shots, Vivian Wentworth and Archer Woods are elected Head Girl and Head Boy of Bloomwood Prep in their final year. It's a great honour, and to uphold it, they must work together responsibly and harmoniously.

There's just a slight problem.

Vivian and Archer have a history they'd do anything to forget.

And a chemistry they'd do anything to deny.

Hope you give this a try once it's published! Until then, see you and love you lots for giving Play Pretend a try! I'm honestly going to miss Liz and Tyler :(

Edit (as of Nov 2020): I wrote Play Pretend in 2018, in 10th grade and now, 2 years later, I can finally say The Rest Is History is published AND complete! It took me almost a year to finish but now it's out there for you guys. So if you're interested in what happens with Vivian and Archer, do check it out :)

Signing off,
Your author.

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