33 | epilogue

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(Dedicated to vamoslove for being my bestest friend and fellow football fangirl. Hala Madrid, MS!)

Tyler had wanted to back out of the film the moment he heard the name of the lead actress. But the chance of working with Guy Brighton, and what it would mean for the rest of his career, stopped him.

He stayed.

The script reading session was going well. I got acquainted with my new co actors, the assistant director Mitchell, and the some of the crew who'd been invited. The actual script reading hadn't begun yet, because everybody hadn't arrived.

Tyler was late to the session. Again.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Guy got up to open it and there were sounds of voices in the distance. Then Guy came into the room with a smile on his face. I took one look at him and looked down. I was trembling, but no one seemed to notice that. Guy's voice could be heard.

"Everybody, meet your co star, Tyler Callahan."

I looked up slowly, not wanting to meet his eyes. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer but all I could think of when I saw Tyler in the flesh was Oh my god.

This was like a déjà vu moment, where I was transported back to the beginning, to Kiara's script reading session, when I saw him for the first time in two years.

Only this time, the roles had been reversed.

Tyler cast an expressionless glance in my direction when Guy gestured at each of us and introduced us one by one. Coming to me, he said, "Of course, and that's Liz. You know her already."

Tyler whispered, but I could hear. "Yeah, I know her now."

That broke my heart.

And that was the moment where I decided I would win him back, no matter what. I wouldn't give up, ever. This second film with him was a second god-gifted chance, and I couldn't screw it up. The last time we'd met like this, Tyler had been the one who'd ended up winning me over and making up for everything.

This time, it was going to be me.

I looked up to where Tyler was sitting, and realised he was already watching me with a strange, almost wistful look in his eyes. He turned away quickly, the tips of his ears reddening at being caught staring. I smiled slightly.

I was going to win him over. Some day, somehow. Soon.

And those awkward glances, those slightly red ears, they gave me all the hope I ever needed.

(A/N: and that's the end. Yes, it is. But please please read the next part too. It's not a chapter but it's important all the same.)

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