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I took a deep breath before confronting Kiara.
"You mean, Tyler Callahan will play Sky? He'll be the male lead opposite me?"
Kiara frowned. My tone must have given away how I felt. "Yes, will it be a problem? Because most girls I know would love to work with him, so I thought you would too. Plus he's an amazing actor, perfect for this role."
Yeah, I thought, perfect indeed. He'll be able to relate to his character a lot.
I looked over at Kiara and smiled. "No, it's okay, why should I have any problem? You're the boss here after all."
"Yes, but it's important that my co-stars get along, it's needed for your on screen chemistry."
I almost snorted. On screen chemistry indeed.
"it's okay, Kiara, really. It's just that he's not my favourite actor out there. But I'll not have any problems, don't worry."
Kiara looked puzzled for a moment but quickly recomposed herself. "So it's settled then. We'll need to meet up again sometime soon for the paperwork. You'll need to sign our contract so we can take you in officially. How about day after tomorrow? Will you be free at around this time? All the cast and crew are meeting up for the signing of the papers and an introductory script-reading session."
I grinned. "Of course, I'm free. I'll meet you day after."
Kiara and Matt smiled. They got up after finishing their sandwiches and I got up with them. They shook hands with me and Matt said, "It was a pleasure meeting you today, Liz. We hope we'll have equal pleasure working with you and we want you to give it your best. Also, we'll announce the cast officially to the world after the session, day after tomorrow. You should be prepared for the media to ask questions about you and try to meddle in your lifestyle. The hardest part of being a celebrity is handling the papparazi. We'll help you all we can, but you'll also need to be mentally prepared and not lose your head."
I laughed at the last part. "Don't worry, Matt, I won't. I generally have a cool, calm demeanour, and I don't think I'm going to lose that over some stupid papparazi."
Kiara smiled. "Good. Well then, we gotta go. It's getting late for us. Looks like Tyler won't be joining us today. So we better get going."
I heaved an internal sigh of relief. Thank god I wouldn't have to face Tyler today. I needed some mental preparation before I saw him. This was going to be much harder than handling the papparazi.
Kiara gave me her number and said she would text me the details of the time and venue of where we'd have to meet. Most probably it was going to be at the Moonbeam Hotel itself, which was the best hotel in Ashville and where the crew was putting up.
We exited the quaint café and went our separate ways.
I went back to my apartment and rang the doorbell. Before I even got time to breathe, Ris opened the door and bombarded me with questions.
"How was it? What did Kiara Black say? Did you get the part? Please tell me you got the part. That way I'll be able to accompany you when you attend the Oscars to receive your Best Actress award. I'll be your plus one. But why should I be? You'll probably get some famous movie star as your date."
I stared at her dumbfounded. "Are you out of your mind or something? Calm down, Ris, I'm not going to waste my money on getting you treated for your dysfunctional brain."
Paris rolled her eyes but managed to compose herself. I grinned widely at her and then squealed, "I got the part!" Paris started jumping up and down in glee and kept on chanting "I told you, I told you!". I smiled and hugged her.
Then I called my parents to give them the good news. I'd told them about my auditions beforehand and they supported me in this endeavour fully, although they were worried about the fame and glitz and glamour of the industry. As soon as I told them the news Mom had a similar reaction as Ris and Dad also was extremely happy. Seriously, I was lucky to have such wonderful parents, I thought and smiled.

A/N: hey there buddy, and hope you're liking this so far! Now it's just 'lights, camera' and the action is about to begin soon!
By the way, just wanted to reiterate the fact that I'm not an American, so my depiction of Liz's hometown may not be accurate at all. Moonbeam Hotel is completely fictitious. Please excuse this and read on!

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